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Apprenticeship Acquired and the Months Ahead by Mewscaper

Twitter: Generally I post stuff on Twitter regarding life updates and such, but I figured I may as well leave an update throughout the other webs.

The Mews

Since moving to Texas, I've been dabbling in many things, bringing a whole lot of online into real-life -- from conventions to meet-ups to friends. With that, I've been setting short- and long-term goals in an effort to keep my life going in a direction I'll be happy with: to above all be an independent, diligent, hardy adult.

With that, I've been trying to get a career off the ground -- something with good benefits and insurance and, most importantly, a wage that I can live a little more comfortably on. I attended a semester in welding school, and I've since been trying to earn a paid apprenticeship with Houston's local welding union.

I'm happy to say that I've recently passed the exam and interview and thus been selected for said apprenticeship. It will be a five-year program complete with paid education, benefits, and (once opportunities present themselves) a job with a full-time wage roughly 65% higher than anything I've ever made in my life. At the end of five years, this apprenticeship will result in graduation and earn the title of Journeyman, a position that pays well.

Until a new job position opens up and is confirmed via apprenticeship, I will still be working my current overnight job at The Home Depot, in addition to classes, which begin next week.

So, yeah. Busy. But the good type of busy! Productive Busy!

Art and Writing

I usually first post most art or writing on Twitter before pick-and-choosing which websites to upload them to. Still drawing. Still hacking away at a certain Fennekin story.

I may be accepting art trades in the coming months, but even that's not certain. We'll see.

Mew Contest

Probably planning to start up another contest at over on deviantArt at some point or another, complete with (FABULOUS) prizes and such (LIKE USEFUL dA POINTS). I've been sort of on-and-off with this group; just a lot of other stuff off-dA to take care of.

- - - - -

Anyways, that's about all for now. Keep in touch!

Apprenticeship Acquired and the Months Ahead


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