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yikes v2 by Home

I was really hoping my last "yikes" journal wouldn't have a repeat, but here we are.

If your initial reaction to someone telling you that a slur directly and harmfully effects them is to say that it doesn't, congrats, you're very good at not listening.

If your reaction to someone telling you to stop using those slurs is to say that you've lost respect for their community and identity, congrats, you didn't have any respect for them in the first place.

I really don't think these concepts are hard and I really don't think it's hard to stop using these slurs. I really don't think it's hard to take a step back for a second and reconsider. No one's "policing" you, they're just asking you to take a moment to really think about the words you use and why you use them.

yikes v2


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    what is this btw? I heard someone leave earlier over admin here using racial slurs or something?

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      No, someone had created a journal asking for alternatives to use in place of a slur aimed at intersex folks. An admin hopped in to talk about "you shouldn't listen to the vocal minority" re: not using slurs, and how "the world isn't peaches and roses" among other things. One of the site directors apologized for those words, hid the comments, and promised that that staff member would be reprimanded for it.

      This is in the wake of a few recent journals re: the usage of herm, cuntboy, dickgirl, etc. and how those terms have a harmful history.

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        Oh, I see, and thank you for clarifying that. I didnt know what that was all about. Man, and here I thought no one socialized on here really. Must have spread like wildfire then I take it as far as backlash

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        I was wondering why journals about slurs were cropping up suddenly. It's nice to know that the site owners are on top of their admins :O

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    Ugh, I just... I'm so fucking livid and disturbed.

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    yeah this sort of thing is just really exhausting having to deal with. why is this kind of thing so hard for people to understand/be considerate of

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    I feel like this fandom has a serious problem with punching down and it makes me sad. Thanks for being a lighthouse.