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*insert title here* by Fen Flux

So, here's an obligatory "Oh look~! I'm on Weasyl" statement.

And on to all that other crap.

I've just discovered that work has put me on for the next 6 days running.

Goodbye boxing day plans.

Hello work.


That's what I get for forgetting to say "Although I'm happy to work Christmas day, I CAN'T do boxing day"

Oh well. I'll figure something out.

Make up complaints about my leg which could turn out to be very legit.

Other news I can't WAIT until the 11th of January.

Goodbye WA, Hello QLD!

Yes, it's only for 2 weeks but god damn do I need a freaking holiday.

Life is a complete drag at the moment.

I don't want to continue University and I don't even know if I want to work with children anymore. That's how freaking horrendous this past year has been. My "friend" has made it a living hell, for some reason, every freaking group assignment has had me stuck with her, and she has done her utmost to make me feel like I've done nothing and that I'm not a part of the group.

So I'm not even bothered that I haven't started the assignment that's worth 60% of my grade and is due tomorrow.

I work at McDonalds for God's sake. It is completely evident that I'm a dropkick.

Mum's gonna have kittens though, when she realizes I've "failed". WooHoo.

On top of that my hand will not freaking stop hurting, I'm constantly tired and have had a headache for about 3 weeks now.

So, on to the next thrilling week of working all the way through the bright cheery time in which you're meant to spend your days with loved ones.

In a sense, I almost hope the world ends tomorrow.

What a freaking emo looking journal.

Oh well. I promise a more thrilling tale next time.

*insert title here*

Fen Flux

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  • Link

    I do not live your live, nor will I ever do so - but I believe that you are just on the downslide right now. Give it time - give anything time - and it will get better.

    I have no idea if you live in Canada or America, but you could always go see a doctor or head to a clinic about your pain. I know in Canada you can call 811...

    Please don't be sad. Please don't want the world to end. I'm sure you have friends in some places, as I do. And I know that they'll always be there to help me through my times.

    Yet as I day this, I would hope you do not find my to be too preachy. I would only hope to give slight insight, if not just a few words to hopefully cheer you up. You'll always have the anonymity of the internet on your side! I as well, if it's any condolence at all.

    But that's enough from me. Have a merry christmas.

    • Link

      I live in Australia ;)

      And really, I'm just in one of those moods. Give me a better day and I'll be right as rain.

      As for the pain, there's nothing I can really do about that.

      I was in a car accident. Mushed thumb.

      There's nothing the doctors can do about it now. It's all "fixed".

      Though I am hoping for a bionic hand sometime in the future!

      • Link

        Ah, I'm both glad and sadnened that this is just one of those days. Glad it will last only a short while, but any sadness is a misfortune. Have you looked into things like acupuncture and the sorts? I know there's a few different pain relieving techniques out there - medicine can only work for so long, right?