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So close now! by Neotheta

Only 20 submissions left to post up and then I've got my Weasl up-to-date! :D
...although I constantly draw new things so the number gets bigger 3':

But what happens then? I guess I wont really know yet.
It'd be super awesome to know how many of you exclusively follow me over here though
And, what do you want to see/hear from me??

Helps me set a direction to what to use this account for, atm it's just a collection of my proper works and a gateway to find my more active galleries over the internets. But I could also start announcing commissions over here if there is any interest.

In the meanwhile... Links to my pages:
My Website ~ General information about things n stuff!
Luceiry Database ~ My characters and their world.
Furaffinity ~ This is where I'm active at.
Patreon ~ Place to support me financially and get awesome perks
Deviantart ~ Another art gallery that I'm too lazy to update often enough.

So close now!


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    I'm Weasyl-only just because I don't feel a need to be on more than one art site. I was also curious about how Weasyl would develop.

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    I use three sites, so I try to keep up with artists i like (that happen to have more than one site)

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    I'm only following people here. Which includes you :D

    I'd be interested in knowing when you open! Though I can't say I would always be able to get something :x

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    It's not exclusively, but I found you here :O

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    I am a duel-wielder of FA and WZL.

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    I just want to see you as active on Weasyl as you are on FA. I'd probably switch to following you exclusively here then.
    But yeah, posting commission notices here would be great, as I always check Weasyl first, and one of these days I'm going to be quick enough to grab one...

    That and "Weasyl first" / "Weasyl only" commissions would make a great incentive for other people to try the site out.

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      I'll probably not get as active as I'm on FA - I enjoy using that site a lot more and there's a lot more people using the site aswell (it'd take far more than just myself to have people move here, and I don't feel there is any need to since there's nothing wrong with FA)

      Instead I adapt to what other people do in this case, if there's plenty people following me on weasyl I'll get more active here. Atm 71% of my followers are on FA, 21% on DA and 7% on weasyl, so that's there. And it'd be increadibly mean to post one-site-only commissions to people, people using weasyl are not 'higher statused' in any way, and I see no reason why people should follow me here instead of another site, I rather let people choose which site they prefer using to follow me.

      Anyone can note me on either site, or even email me about commissions, and I most often have external forms for people to fill up so they're not tied to a website, that is how I prefer things.

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        Fair enough, I'll keep an eye out for commissions on FA instead then.

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    I watch you here only, technically I have an FA and a DA too, but I only watch artists on a single page and if it can be Weasyl I pick Weasyl, more people need to be active on here :3