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Real friends by ZealousRaptor

Real friends don't avoid you all the time, Real friends talk with each other, Real friends don't blatantly lie to you, Real friends don't leave you suddenly mid-sentence.

Real friends don't hold grudges towards you, Real friends make up after having a bad fight, Real friends are supportive, even if they may not know what to say
Real friends are hard to come by

Real friends are the nicest people to be in one's life

I'm in need of real friends, want to be one?

Real friends


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    I came in here expecting something sappy, but.. :/ you hit the nail on the head by saying they're hard to find, certainly. The less you look, the better success you seem to have. So I'm told.

    Though imo, real friends can be the biggest pains in the asses too, heh. They know what buttons to push and they know how to piss you off in a productive way, usually, and they'll be annoying 'cus they know they can get away with it. But it's usually worth it.

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      Thanks, i've since moved on, even if we are strangers your words certainly helped alot, thank you ^.^

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    I sometimes wonder if the ache of loneliness hurts less than the pain of getting struck down by someone you like.

    Is it worth it?