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Sorry for the lack of Updates by noobat

I guess to start things off, I ended up in the hospital for a few days about...four weeks back. Not really going into details as to why, but I'm alright. Then, I have been going to group therapy daily. So, there's that too. Thankfully I am being discharged from group therapy this next week. On the eighth. I'm so excited! 8D

I have tons of art to upload, I'm just being a big butt about it. x'D Including a new Persona. ouo;; Nothing is replacing Noobat, but at the same time, I need something that represents me. ouo;;

Also, story writing is in full swing over on Deviantart. It's not too bad, but I'm happy I'm finally out of the writers block. ouo It's been five to six years I'd been stuck in it. I want to thank Write World and my friends for pushing me on and helping me through rough times. ouo;;

I'm currently working on two seperate projects, "Mortal Flaw" and "Fatal Sin", which I'm excited to draw art, and get everything set up for the upcoming story. It's not one that's going to be published, but it's something that I'm uber excited to share. ouo;;

I've also beaten my old word count, which was 1,000 words. I'm now at 1,300. ouo I'm insanely happy about that. ouo;;

I plan on eventually commissioning someone for a detailed reference for some of my species, with all the information written down about it, unless I get something that will run the art programs I enjoy. But that comes in due time. ouo;;

I'm also hoping to get started on some Noobat centered stories. I'm not sure how well that will play out, but at the same time, I'm excited to do more with him. ouo

I think that's all I have to say, but I thought I'd share with you guys. ouo


Sorry for the lack of Updates


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  • Link

    Egads, I'm glad you're out of the hospital! o.o I hope you're out of the woods for whatever put you in there...

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      I am! :3 I've gotten my medication sorted out, as well as dealing with my depression and Schizoaffective Disorder! :3 AND, I've been discharged from out patient services. ouo;; So I'm doing extremely well! :3

      • Link

        I'm glad you've gotten your meds! I didn't even know you were dealing with anything like that. I hope things continue to look up for you!

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    I'm so glad you've got your writing groove back!

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      Yes! :D I plan on uploading a bunch of stories to this account in a bit! :3