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Gooooosh, also minor transition update (1 year 7-8 mo on T) by Cowboypunk

I really hate being inactive I always feel so guilty i_i

News updates though:

  • I'm working on a music video that I have a lot of creative control on and is p fun.
  • Plotting some future comic stuff and have a pretty big backlog of sketches and art I need to upload, too. Been doing - - - Pauvres Defans Amis pretty consistently in the meantime though.
  • Hoping to get Walk Softly moving again soon - it keeps getting stuck behind other projects and life shit.
  • Crazy sleepy auuugh
  • Cleaned up a nice tidy weekly schedule to start producing sharable art more consistently!
  • Been watching Murder, She Wrote. Oman80shairforever

I recently took a picture of myself (via crappy webcam) to see how it compared to previous crappy webcam photos of myself. Found a pre-T photo (kinda, not showing a lotta face, not even sure when or why it was taken). had one from around 6-8 months, I think. Beard hair is filling out pretty good,still fairly patchy, but it's not as noticeable. Honestly, not a lot has changed, but it's weird how normal it is to see photos of myself now. I can actually look at myself and be okay and not feel that subliminal undercurrent of wrongness.

Gooooosh, also minor transition update (1 year 7-8 mo on T)


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  • Link

    I can really see the effect of T there; it's coming along nicely. And a lot of guys have patchy beards, honestly.

    • Link

      Thanks! It's looking like mine is going to be the same as my brothers. Which I suppose is not particularly surprising lol