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10 Questions Meme by loucathwil

kreepingspawn tagged me :)

1) You must post these rules.
2) Each person has to share 10 facts about themselves.
3) Answer the 10 questions asked by the person who tagged you and make up 10 questions for the 10 you tag.
4) Choose 10 people and put their icons in your journal.
5) Go to their page and inform them that they have been tagged by you.
6) Not something like "You are tagged if you read that".
7) You have to legitimately tag 10 people.
8) No tag-backs.
9) You can't say that you don't do tags.
10) You have the choice to make a journal entry! Comments if you prefer!

10 Facts about Loucathwil

  1. When I was 18 years old, I was diagnosed with mild Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

  2. I get S.A.D in the SUMMER (I love spring, autumn, and winter! by September I'm usually a lot happier and thinner!)

  3. Spots and holes have always made me uneasy. I'm so glad to finally know that this condition has a name: Trypophobia

  4. I can't wear necklaces or tops with clinging necklines; they give me headaches and motion sickness when I move

  5. In Autumn 2005, I had a three week work placement at AKA CARTOONS studio (the guys who made Ed, Edd n' Eddy in Vancouver Canada) and stayed with my good friend

  6. My paternal Uncle was the guitarist for Chris Rea

  7. My parents are Legitimate Cockneys

  8. And yet, a lot of people think I'm from Australia, because of my accent (which has now melded into a bastardisation of Londoner, Norfolk , and Brummie from living in Coventry for 3 years)

  9. I have had my Craft work on the telly :D Back when I was 14 (2000) I did a LOT of Pipecleaner work (my first love ^_^ before plush), and made a Pikachu, a Bulbasaur, and a Charmander featured on SM:TV live for a couple of weeks running. However, a boy band called 5ive were on the show one week, and they shoved the pikachu down the throat of the bulbasaur on telly. I was quite a sensitive kid, and I got so upset by this, I had my dad write them a letter to give me back the pokemon. One of the researchers there posted them back, and wrote me a lovely letter with apologies for the bands behaviour.

  10. One of the first characters I created as a kid was a Pigeon Super hero. Named SPG after the hamster on ‘the young ones’

10 questions I'm answering:

  1. If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? Make feature length animated music videos OR create Graphic novels for the following Albums

Foxtrot By Genesis (especially for the half-hour song ‘Suppers Ready’) especially the section called ‘Willow Farm’
Lullabies to Paralyze by Queens of the Stoneage (especially the song ‘Someones in the wolf’

  1. What's your favorite meal?
    My comfort food is my mum’s Spaghetti Bolognaise.

  2. Name something that never fails to make you laugh or smile.

    My boyfriend

  3. Why aren't you outside right now?
    I hate this weather, and I have a lot I want to get done indoors

  4. Are you one of those people that has to have background noise when working?
    Depends what I’m doing, and depends on the noise. But wordless music helps me work A LOT

  5. When are you most productive?
    Late morning, early afternoon.

  6. Would you rather master a language or an instrument? Which one?
    Instrument. Ditto to what kreepingspawn said; ‘Music is a global language’

  7. Your lessons are paid for...what would you like to learn?

  8. Do you have any strange habits?
    Picking spots and scabs uncontrollably :S I do it subconsciously whenever I’m nervous. I’ve also developed an eye twitch.

  9. You have no obligations for 24 hours and all expenses are covered - what do you do?
    Get up – to – date with ALL my friends in the UK

10 Questions for the Tagged:

  1. French Horn or Bagpipes?

  2. What was the most precious gift you ever received?
    Acceptance for who and what I am

  3. How many children do you/will you have and what are their names?
    None right now. IF I ever did: 2.

  4. Where do you keep your shoes?
    In my wardrobe, by the front door, and by the garden door

  5. What kind of chocolate bar do you like best?
    Caramel/nougat filling

  6. What snack will you share some with me?
    Blueberries, and yes 

  7. Is there a 'supreme being' in your life?
    No, I don’t feel comfortable elevating anyone or anything to that kind of level

  8. What kind of pets do you have?
    Me and my boyfriend are pet-sitting a hamster atm. But once I have a regular income, I really want either a Cat, or a Pigeon.

  9. Where would you build your dream house?
    In a city  high up. With an outside part, close to a park.

  10. What is your spirit totem or power animal?
    I’m not sure, but I’ve always loved pigeons and amphibians. I love Cats, but I lack their sophistication and grace.

Okay, and now my questions:

1.If the path to ‘hell’ is paved with good intentions, what in - your opinion – is the path to ‘heaven’ paved with? (it’s okay if you’re Atheist or Agnostic, just give your own equivalent)
2.If you could have any kind of tail, what would you have and why?
3.If you could have any kind of wings, what would you have and why?
4.Have you ever eaten/drank something that has given you great euphoria? If yes, what?
5.If you could have a power over any element or thing (from Cats to cabbages, bacon to bubbles, scones to stones, Etc.) what would it be and why?
6.What bad experiences are you most grateful happened to you and why?
7.Name a time you had an assumption about something, and was happy you were wrong
8.What are you enjoying the most about getting older?
9.Spots or stripes?
10.Bath or shower? (yes, perpetual stench is an option)
As for Whom I tag? Already did that on DA
Even if you're not tagged and you fancy giving it a go? you can say in your journal that I tagged you, and please give me a link to it

10 Questions Meme


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