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Laptop is in good condition :D by insanejoker

So, showed my dad my laptop before going to get it fixed at this place. He messed with the drivers for the Nvidia graphics card, then deleted them, then put them back on, then updated the Bios, then did some other stuff, and it was fine. I DON'T KNOW HOW. I UPDATED THE DRIVERS MAYBE TWO MONTHS AGO. UGH. But yea, that's what happened.

It's weird, though, cause before I'd move the monitor and it went...uncrazy. Just this time it didn't. Seems odd that it was just a driver / other issue to me, but...AT LEAST. IT. WORKS.

Laptop is in good condition :D


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    Sometimes you've just got to delete them and reinstall, this makes sense to me somehow. Updating just replaces some bits and pieces here and there but deleting and reinstalling completely replaces everything with new files. Kind of like a fresh new start. I see what he did there. I'm guessing he knew that after you mentioned that you used to fiddle with it and it'd work he figured it was something to do with the Nvida software.
    I wished that worked all the time but I'm glad he caught it and fixed it! HAPPY DAY! Now you can go back to drawing more and more!!

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      I know XD What irks me is I know I deleted the old ones when I last updated. It's like FFFFFFFFFFF. Ah well.It works, I'm happy. XD Yea, my dad works in the tech industry and has been since I was a baby. He is so used to all of these issues by now it's probably like breathing to him.

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        OMG that's pretty nerve wrecking right there.
        Hey as long as it works and you can get back to doing what you love, I suppose it's alright, yeah?
        Oh man, I suppose if you've been in the business that long it really is like breathing. You've really got to be constantly working on these things to be all caught up when new software comes out. Kinda makes me want to take a few extra computer courses.
        Yaaayyyy now let's play with our tablets!!

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          -insert geeky excited emoticon here- XD