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About art styles by inuHein

So I have a Concept Art subject at college, and today the teacher told us how we have to pick a style and "marry" it.

See I've always had a certain...conflict with that. I've never been able to really stick to one single style, or at least I think so. And I've always thought that artists should never stick to one single thing, that they have to keep exploring and never stop improving and learning. And I've seen a lot of artists that do have a specific style, something recognizable, but it starts becoming generic and kinda boring, sometimes. They stick to one single thing and don't get out of there, because it works for them.

I told this to my teacher and he said I was right, but that we do need one specific style we can call our own, while being able to draw many other things outside of it. That we also have to think outside the box like, we can't keep drawing the way or the stuff we used to draw like 10 years ago. He even put Deviantart as an example ([SHOTS FIRED]) about how there's people who just don't come out from dA and refuse to get better.

So idk. I guess what I got from all of it is, I do need one specific style to call my own, one thing to focus on, while still exploring and learning and, obviously, improving. Because he also mentioned that less is better. To focus on one thing makes you better on that thing, than trying to focus on several other things at the same time and learning a bit of everything, which he said is also okay, but that we need to choose what we want to do in the future, what we want to pursue.
Which I understand completely because one thing I've though about is how much I like that class and how I'm slowly figuring out what is it that I want to dedicate to, but can't really focus on that specific thing, because I still have other 6 subjects with several assignments each, and most of them are focused on 3D which, to be quite honest, I SUCK at it, and don't really enjoy it. Or at least not nearly enough to want to work on that field after I graduate. I've turned in half-assed assignments 'cause, frankly, I'm not exactly the most organized person in the world so it's like I have no time. I can't dedicate the time and effort I want to all of my assignments, not even to the ones I'm genuinely interested in and want to do my best. I've had to turn in things I'm not exactly proud of and that I feel I could've done so much better.

But that's college, I guess. I used to think college was when you had made up your mind about what you want to do in the future. You pick a career, a profession, and move forward from there. But I'm actually still figuring out what I want to do afterwards, and what I'm actually interested in.

Idk. Now I'm just rambling, haha.

About art styles


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    I've tried wrapping my head around other art advice, but I've taken it to mean that an Artist has one idiosyncratic style that's just there expression of drawing. So the 'style' is less of drawing feet like pyramids or necktits, and trying be consistent with drawings so they'll have a high standard whenever you're done putting pen to paper. With the constant improving, the expression I've heard is 'Building your visual vocabulary' which if we're taking potshots at Deviantart a quick browsing you may notice how many people don't draw backgrounds or stick to familiar subject matter.

    Worst advice I've heard was we had to stick to one medium like watercolours after graduating. Thanks, Internet. But for style I think it comes up naturally just by doing a lot of drawings. It's either from how we hold the pen, or just how we're most comfortable drawing a line etc. So the thing I watch out for is 'gimmicks' those one trick techniques that look impressive but actually aren't; like me shoving glitch overlays on whatever I can get away with, knowing it appeals to people.

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    Despues de un tiempo llegue a entender que el estilo 'propio' viene por si solo- mientras busques experimentar y explorar distintas cosas... siempre va a estar evolucionando o definiendose.. pero no creo que en algun momento se pueda a llegar al punto donde es 'perfecto', pero si reconocible. Que si lo ves desde ese punto de vista, aprendes a manejar distintos estilos para definir al final el tuyo- matas dos pajaros de un tiro por asi decirlo. Aprendes de los demas para aplicar lo que haz descubierto a tus propios proyectos. Lo veo despues de tener dos trabajos totalmente diferentes unos de otros uvu en el primero aprendi a 'dibujar' movimiento, anatomia y silueta. Y ahora estoy aprendiendo mas en cuanto al render, iluminacion y composicion :)