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Regarding Weasyl by krechevskoy

I think I'll be taking my leave for a while... at least until this site has pushed a good ways out of Beta. You can find me over at InkBunny for now.

Weasyl has a lot of eye candy. I don't think anyone would disagree. However, putting presentation aside, the implementation of most systems are really quite poor...

I can list my issues if someone needs/wants me to... but for now, I think I'm just going to wait. I'll see you guys later.

Regarding Weasyl


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    Why not put your grievances out in the open?

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      I suppose I could, it is just that most of them it feels like they are fairly obvious, such as the way in which notices are checked/removed.

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    I've been distracted lately, but as I use weasyl, I've been keeping a notepad of little points I see that could use improvement. When I have the time to make an intelligible list out of my shorthand notes, I'll post it to the suggestions forum. I'd be keen on adding your notes to the list.

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      Well, if I get time I might make myself a list of notes to share. I've been busy lately. T~T

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        Heh, in your own time, dude. You know me, not really one to pester. :P

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    Yeah I'm probably going to wait until it's out of beta more or less. Test the waters with a few uploads soon I guess. And I'd like to hear all the problems you've seen.