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06/29/14-Sunday News 10-The jerb by LudoCrow

The news: New Old Job

To cut it short, I will probably(almost certainly, as far as it looks) have a new job starting this tuesday. Or, more precisely, have me old drafting job again. Long story told short, back in last august I was laid off with most of the work force due to an extreme drop in business as a client kept delaying a contract for my employer which meant that "new work" kept not coming and when it did it was at a trickle pace that was completed too quickly. In short: too little work for too many people on the floor. And seriously, between the guy with 15 years of experience and me with only 9 months, I would have chosen the guy with 15 years of experience.

This said, when I had to be let go, my employer had told me that whenever there would be need for more drafters again they would call me first and be glad to hire me again if I would still be available.

Which they did.

For now it looks like it would be a stint of only 3 months(though there's indications from insiders that it might be more than that, but 3 months was just given as a "safe estimate" since the construction industry can be volatile here sometimes) but that's fine with me. It'll give me some times to save money and give a boost to my wallet. And even if I will have to change my streaming schedule radically, I do still plan to continue doing artwork and taking commissions even if initially my streams will be much fewer while I get used to the job's schedule again. Ideally, I never know how long that might last(though they're moving to a larger building that would allow them to take on more contracts and keep more teams employed) so I want to be able to keep art as a fallback at the very least. And I certainly wouldn't mind if someday, somehow, art becomes my main "reliable" income.

But at least, for now and the moment being I'll have this drafting job again however long it will be this time. I proved I could do it, and now I will have the occasion to prove it again.

Offline Commissions Queue

Since the currently offline commissions layout was for digital work, I will have to come up with a pricelist for traditional work.

With the recent events(new job), producing and offline pricelist will become even more of a priority so expect one in the future.

Livestream Schedule

Due to the sudden change of situation there will be, for now, a stream only on friday the 4th of july, from 7pm to 11pm. Considering the date I'm not expecting much folks to be there but I will be ^^;

06/29/14-Sunday News 10-The jerb


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