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Play Left 4 Dead 2 With Me! by Soggy2002

I got Left 4 Dead 2 a while back on Steam, it was free, so I thought I might as well nab it. It isn't free any more, so don't bother looking. I mean, you can, but be prepared to be disappointed.
ANYWAY, the main point of this is to ask whether anyone would want to play it with me. I know it's quite old, but I'm not sure whether there's a community any more. Or if there is, whether it's just comprised of hardcore gamers who would shout at me for being a noob. I played a bit of it, until the third safe room, so I know how to kill things and how many bullets of which guns it takes to down a normal zombie.

So, if you're interested, and don't want to be Nick (I like him ;D), then give me your Steam name, and I'll add you.

Play Left 4 Dead 2 With Me!


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    You live in the UK. The latency would be SO atrocious, I'd die from zombies before the friendly fire to make sure I was still in game.

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      I've had little trouble with games like Lord of the Rings: War in the North when playing with people in America. And if anything, that's a bigger game.

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        If I had google fiber, it wouldn't be a problem. 700mb+ down and 500mb+ up? woah.