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Discouraged by EasternWind

As one or two of you may know, I want to be a forensic tech. Well, to do this, I need to go through two years on the field (basically be a police officer). That is understandable and I am okay with that. Though, this means that I need to work myself out however; I'm about as weak as can get...sort of. From what the trainer told me, I'm decently strong but my endurance is shit and my posture is shit and my balance is shit. I honestly feel bad for my fitness trainer who has to deal with this 105lb tiny female falling over from lack of balance with the dead lifts. Maybe he might find it a bit funny, I dunno, but I don't want him to think he's wasting his time on me.

I knew it was gonna be hard. Though, the hardest part isn't the work itself. The hardest part is my mentality. I have an outrageously bad attitude when it comes to doing things I have a hard time with. Simply put, I get discouraged easily and that's just wrecking me.

My only saving grace is that I need to do this because I want to go in to that field that badly. Giving up is literally not an option for me. I guess me being bull-headed is also a saving grace despite it being a double-edged sword.



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    Huh, I had no idea being in the field was a requirement for forensic techs, though I suppose it makes some sense. Part of my Anthropology classes were things like human osteology and evolutionary bone identification, as a lot of "physical" Anthropologists end up doing forensics of some sort or med school. It's really cool stuff, I hope you find your way in.

    I have the same attitude issue, but I wish I had an answer to give you. Just gotta want it bad enough. If you really, really, really want something, you'll make it happen.

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      It is for my area. One of the police officers told me so. Even if not, it can't hurt to know the ins and outs of everything. I do recall some scenarios of exemptions but i don't know what they are, just that they're a thing.