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I miss you by Anuacyl

Miss ya mom. We might not always got along, or might not have agreed on everything. Hell, there were times we'd fight screaming at each other and times I thought you were a f*cking bully! Yet near the end there we were growing comfortable around each other, we were growing an understanding and developing a friendship. Near the end there were less fights and more laughter, we were able to be open and just say whatever we wanted (remember those times I teased you about getting a mature toy? or called you chicken butt cause you often reminded me of a mad mother hen?).

I guess I just had to get over you putting my sister first (after all, she wasn't going to always be there) which I understand better. I thought for sure you would pull out of the hospital just fine and everything would be okay. Sure you were in ICU but that didn't mean you were going to die, and you'd woke up was talking to me and being active that day. However just as soon as I noticed you were aware, I had to leave the room for requirements and thought you'd be there when I got back. I missed my chance to tell you that I love you, I can't remember if I ever said it or not before but I hope you knew.

It's because of this I make sure to never miss the opportunity to tell anyone that's making an impact on me how I feel. Those that I hold dear and precious to me, I make sure they know I love them (no matter age, gender, or what.) because I don't want to lose another person before I get a chance to tell them. So I tell them whenever I think of it instead of putting it off. I hope by doing that I'll make it up to you for having not said it.

Goddess.. now I'm crying. I'm out everyone, make sure to kiss your moms today and tell them that you love them in a way they will know and believe it before it's too late.

I miss you


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  • Link

    awwww, I'm so sorry :'( I can't imagine what it's like losing your mother, but I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about it hugs

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      hugs thankies ^,^ I remember when they said she was gone everything inside me seemed to scream "no" it didn't want to accept it.

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        well it's normal to not want to accept something like that, but she's in a better place now <3