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Ohh cheese and crackers (small rant on games) by Happysorry

Okay, so I posted something a while a go, about something to me sounded like.. maybe a one of a kind deal cause I've sure never heard of it. But when I did, i got so many objections and so many people telling me how wrong and upset they'd be. I .. I surely got confused. I really did. I posted again I got absolute refusal on the idea. So i did an experiment to post it again only with one difference.

Just one

An all guy game studio where guys of all kinds work together to make games, may it be grunge, shooting game, to cutey things. -sparkles- Help bring in new talents all over to make a difference in the gaming community.

I got no objections. nothing. Completely A okay. Except for one anon..which i'm sorry anon note. You dont help my case when your anon..not at all.

the one that got people riled up was.

An all girl game studio where girls of all kinds work together to make games, may it be grunge, shooting game, to cutey things. -sparkles- Help bring in new talents all over to make a difference in the gaming community.

This reallllly got me thinking. It really did. Cause, hell I could do a Whole TED talk about this once i get enough research to show why people are so prominent to think that its alright to say this to one gender but not the other.

Oh i didn't get this kind of argument over the first quote you see up there.

"I think because it's technically sexist in terms of employment (the law) by refusing male employees simply because they're male."

"Are other girls not interested? There were plenty of females graduating in my field with me, some 2D, some 3D, some live action."

"There was one all-women company as some feminist experiment and it crashed and burned."

"To encourage new female talents to join the industry, I don’t think a company (that thus would be majorly be compromised of unexperienced new people?)"

When I said the game industry is a boys club I got complete denial on that.

But when I brought this discussion up with my school mates. I didn't get denial of this. They understood, and even agreed with me why I got upset with such a thing. And I'll tell you, they are all males. They want more girls in the industry.

there was only two girls graduating in my class for bachelors for computer science. 2.

Also on side note, yes girls have a big disadvantage in the game industry. In some places they wont hire them just because they are girls, that girls who want to go into the industry can't just because of their gender. Or. on the side they will only hire them for their looks not talent. it's pretty terrible.

When I was ranting about this on another website i was told "work harder" In all honesty, I've never been so offended in my life.

** someone writes something offensive. Just really think about what your going to say.. And ask yourself why are you saying that. Why are you typing this.. is it in your bones are you just deeply offended. Tell me in the post. It can be for either side. **

I'll keep it for my research. Before I turn into my 40's i'm going to have long written research on this so I can start changing this around, and help the industry be a little easier on us girls.

My dad encourages me though, he says people are going to hate this or love it. Theres never going to be an in between, if you can find a way to do it do it.

I told him honestly. "I'll try its just finding the peeps who have the courage enough for it."

Let each person have their say in this, don't attack anyone. You can attack me all you want instead, I would deeply appreciate it

Ohh cheese and crackers (small rant on games)


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    thank you for taking the time to read this

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    I went to college for game programming, though I'm actually working in web development right now. I was the only girl in a class of 40ish. Luckily I was never harassed about it and my classmates were very chill, but there's a pretty obvious gender gap. An all girls dev team would be pretty awesome, but I think it'd be doomed to fail. Not because of the gender of the devs, but because of the judgmental nature of gamers. They'd never take it seriously :/.

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      Oh yeah theres a big danger in being an all female group in a male dominant place, theres going to be a lot of turmoil.. A big one. its not that they would be never taken seriously. Its that they would be taken TOO seriously to a point they will want to disband it in any way they could.

      Thats the only problem I see. Comic artists like "CLAMP" managed to do it, I, I personally would love to see how it goes.

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    I was lucky enough to see the "Girls in Gaming" panel at Calgary Expo this year, and a lot of what you said was what they said. And they were all for women-only events and groups, too!

    So you're not alone in thinking what you are, and don't let a bunch of dinks change your mind. :)

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      oh you dont know how happy i am to hear that. ohgosh thank you X//d. Never let them stop me before, I appreciate this!

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    I guess the mentality still leans towards "girls don't play video games". I'd love to see a far more balanced workplace...whatever the environment is.

    I know in recent years...the Library I work at has hired more MALE staff than female. And when I started 20+ years ago, there were only two males. With the exception of one guy (fired for harassment)...the males hired fit in the environment pretty well.

    So I think females can fit just fine in the gaming industry. I think the industry probably needs to change if their views and the views of the gamers think females have no real place in the industry. It's too bad your proposed "all female" group couldn't find a way to completely design a game anonymously and see how it could sell!

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      thank you for the input! though as much as a great idea that is...i can see it backlashing a little but thats not a bad idea at all.

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        You're very welcome. grin

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      oh cheese and crackers...thank you

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    A girl (who's a friend of mine) got into video game design this year, and she's the only girl in the entire career. From what I've seen and what she's told me, there's people who either treat her like a queen or like the scum of earth.

    Now, I'm kind of scared because I'm gender neutral and I'm going to college next year for the same career but a different university (there's currently only two universities in my country that offer said career) and I'm scared of the reception I'll get ; o;

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      usually if you keep quiet about it nobody bothers you about it. but once you raise a word or two then thats when it'll get a bit tough.

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    I'd want to add something to the conversation but I don't think I can really. But as long as we keep talking about it, hopefully smart people that somehow thinks like that will change their mind and younger people will get educated.

    Oh, and I dunno if it happened yet, but I'd be interested to see a indie game made by a couple of girls. That could be a place to start with that idea. Anything new happens in Indie gaming anyway.

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      II'm sorry you don't feel like you can add stuff to the conversation, Thats not at all what i'm trying to get here at.

      I'm personally all up for making a few games with some, but its hard to find those who want to take the risk in it and all ahahah it can be dangerous XD

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        Well, it's mostly cause I, not only feel like it all already been said, but to me, it's also obvious. Like I don't understand the mind of narcissistic sexists, so that mentality baffles me sometimes.

        Yeah, it would/it'll definitely be a hard journey ahead.

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    A lot of this has to do with science education - young girls lose an interest faster than boys for whatever reason (location, culture, etc., in terms of America, other countries it doesn't seem to be as big of a problem, especially if poor girls in Africa can turn urine into a machine to generate power of sorts and they're under 16, I believe). A lot is being done today to ensure girls don't lose an interest in science and whatnot. The results aren't going to be ideal, because let's face it: not all girls want to grow up making games, but there will be a boost in other fields of science, too. Schooling also has a lot to do with it: I went to an all girls private religious high school. I was never told being part of the gaming industry was an option for me, but marrying, cooking, etc. and having babies was. Of course I thought that was BS. I was never aware of the many options out there, and this is a huge issue I've seen. Luckily one girl was a kick-ass programmer in the school and I became her friend, so that kept my interest in site coding which led me to other coding things (C++, trying to learn java, etc.). I now encourage my younger sister to get into 3D and games - her and her friends are obsessed with games now. She's not that interested in making them yet, but if she never is, that's ok. I can at least give her the option to try it.

    Some companies do discriminate, yes, but I don't expect it to be as common as it was back in say...the 50's or so. Yet even women back then were able to work at companies like Disney, and I cannot imagine how difficult that could have been. There is no reason why females can't get into the industry today when it's most likely 10x easier than it was then, except for a lack of women who know this can be a career. I know that Disney and other companies are specifically looking to hire females right now. I've been /told/ this by people working there. Discrimination is out there, it exists, I've seen it, but that's not a reason to give up, be upset, or use it as an excuse as to why job hunting is so hard right now. Pick yourself up, and try again. That's a very nice trait to have, to never give up regardless of how bleak things look, and is beneficial in a workplace. I think that's why women are definitely beneficial in any workplace, I think we tend to have that 'it's ok, we can do it!' attitude more than guys sometimes. (Even hints that Riot Games isn't the best place to work, name dropping!) This is a great article, written by a female in the game industry, about women working in the game industry, and a very realistic approach to how to get women interested without forcing them.

    I think watching the credits in a lot of games for female names (though it's hard to tell sometimes) will help encourage you to see that yes, females are there! "Pom gets wifi" was made by a female (I enjoyed every second of it). Some more games produced / created by women. Journey was one, fucking beautiful game!! The numbers may not be high, but the women that are there in the positions to make actual games in that link are encouraging, and can the number can only get higher. And if you're not encouraged by it, I'm sorry. Maybe this isn't the industry for you.

    This is completely possible, it's not impossible. I don't want anyone ever thinking 'I'm a female it's going to be so hard to get into this industry and find a job because I'm a female'. You HAVE to work hard, not because you're a female, but because that's what it takes to stand out. You've got to push yourself to the limits to show employers you're awesome, you're creative, and you are going to be that one thing the company has always been lacking, that it's your work they are hiring you for, not just because you're female. Hell, with all the game maker programs out there, there's almost no excuse why anyone right here can't make their own game, except you not doing it. Game Maker Studio by yoyogames, the basic package is free. Easy to learn. RPG maker, basic package is free. It's not too difficult. I've played with both and in a few hours got some weird 'game' thing made. Youtube has a ton of resources. DOTA allows you to make game assets for characters, here, watch this female do it on Twitch: She uses Zbrush most of the time, I think. Every female interested in game design is fully capable of designing, creating, and publishing a game of sorts. Any game. Even if it's a 'Barbie makes breakfast' game (which has hilarious possibilities). This, from my research, is the best way to get into the industry anyway: design and make a game, no matter how simple it is, even if it's a board or card game. Or, you know, all the women commenting on this journal can band together and make a game to make a change in the industry. It's the best thing you can do: Just MAKE a game.

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      Thank you for all the feedback and such, glad you so adverse on how things are the way they are. I'll definatley have to pu tthis in my research thank you.

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      And if your up to it.. Here some articles that counter a bit of the thought process here.

      I'm fine getting in the industry.

      I'm already on my way now. Now dont go dragging other people into the conversation though with telling people what to do and to work harder. You don't know what i'm doing, you dont know what their doing, don't assume stuff.

      It's the only thing in your whole post that fires me up a little bit, honestly to write that to assume i'm not doing things. Is again quite offendable. In fact that i have to prove to you that i'm working hard, is.. sounds pretty familiar as to many girls having to prove themselves to be hired in the industry.

      You make valid points that a lot of people already know about.

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        Computer is fucking stupid and deleted my original entry. Yaaay.

        Long story short: working harder does not equal you are lazy or do not work hard to begin with, it just means 'hey, some situations call for putting that extra effort in, kinda like those production deadlines suddenly appearing and making you stay up 24hrs and working longer and harder to get the job done'. Or realizing, as you sit in the room with the 10 other interviewees, that all your work is of similar nature: happy go-lucky characters with feel good stories. You gotta work harder to make yourself stand out among that, not cross your fingers and hope that your work was just slightly better than your competitors (for lack of a better term). That's what working harder is - putting in extra effort. I will never assume someone isn't working hard already, but my apologies for your interpretation of it. Maybe I was raised to understand the phrase differently, but I wasn't meant to be directed at you personally or meant to assume anything.

        Articles: Ashe is in all of them. I am sure she's a kind woman, she has a lot of great things to say and what happened to her on indiegogo was awful, but I don't want to only hear from her. I think the articles can easily find other women in her situation to mention or hear from. I'd like to hear all the other women that everyone keeps generally mentioning. Get the lesser known women in those articles as well! I am glad, however, her article 'Dissent Unheard Of', includes all people, and generally reflects the nature of oppression. I'm glad she covered the topics she did. Github sexual harassment is actually something that happens all across the board and is not exclusive to the game industry. The tits app thingy was dumb, and I'm glad the conference apologized. I hope they actually do a pre-screening to pitches in the future or take other preventive measures to avoid idiots like that appear. (read more articles on this, interesting really)

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          i understand what you mean now, but before you were calling out all the girls on this post to make a game, to do things, to work hard and, for all you know, are already doing things to make their own lives better. dont even know if all of the people posting on here are females. In my opinion, I say opinion cause maybe some others might think different; I know you wanted to inspire but it turned into a complete 180 with just that.

          Like i said its the only part i'm quiet upset with. What i have here is only a small part of what I'm doing. And to think i'm only doing this. Is very awkward. I can say to the least. it makes me feel like I really have to list off the things i'm doing for you. But i prevent myself from doing it, I dont want to prove myself to you. You'll just have to see future results.

          And honestly makes me feel a little sad about it. Cause i've already plum shared my ideas on what i'm doing.

          This journal isn't an attack or to say how hard it is or anything. Its a journal to research as to why i got such a hard lash back to what i posted. I already have all i need for my future. You shouldn't worry about me. or if i'm having a hard time. Or i can't find work. Cause.. I have work, I have stuff to do. The one you should worry about is you. and you only.

          When i posted that I wished to be some straight white male guy. It was cause, If i was I wouldn't have to worry about all this. I wouldn't even have to be bothered with research, I wouldn't be interested. I could just live a life in complete bliss and still be just fine with my life. In other words I could Care less if i was a guy. But i'm not.

          I'm not at all:
          This all started cause I thought an idea. And apparently my idea is so abhorrently wrong that we are having this discussion right now.

          Isn't that interesting? I'm asking this with a smile, cause this is amazing. I never knew that this was such a big damn issue before all that. But now I'm a bit smarter and I plan to do something about it.

          The research I do is only started. Thanks for pointing out the ashe things, if thats the only thing i have to worry about, that's good, the rest of the information isn't getting through cause one person name shows up way too much. I'll be sure to not use names so much till the end of of the research for sources.

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        I also want to point out that what you're doing, this research etc. to promote women in the game industry is taking that extra step to provide quality in said industry, which is showing you're working harder or working hard to do that. It's reflective of the women back in the day working hard to get their voices heard in the voting booth, and working harder when they saw they needed an extra push. So maybe I'm just thinking literal in the terms and not what others are interpreting based on experience?

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    slow claps Go get em!!
    In most categories in the entertainment arts industry there is extreme sexism.

    I went to an animation convention and it was really strange to me that all the girls drew in one style, and the boys in another... It seemed to me like all the successful professional women had a very cute fluffy graphic style, while the professional men drew in more diverse ways... Went home wondering what was up with that.
    And when I say girls I mean- 10 out of 90 were women (probably less)

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      oh gosh now that you say it, -looks at my own art-

      I wonder about that too, and Hopefully, i can give you a plum good answer that everybody can agree on.

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    Absolutely preaching to the choir here. It disgusts me that people refuse to admit that this is so much of a problem.

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      it happens its in our culture and all

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    i really hate the negative feedback that females get when they go into the gaming field, just because it's a "man's field, made by men, played by men". it's a huge issue and it really needs to be addressed and acknowledged

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      it does it's been getting around here and there and theres been alot of success stories, it just needs a bit more of a push and a little more acceptance.

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    I agree with you 100%

    As a transman, I spent a long time being seen and recognized as a women. I was often ignored, mistreated, or abused when I tried to get involved in things I was interested in, for instance Magic the Gathering. I've never been "pretty" by any stretch of the imagination so I was never wanted because I was a girl ewww get out this is for boys only. It absolutely disgusts me that now that I am seen and recognized as a man I NEVER get that kind of push back, I never get mistreated when it comes to these things, and other men will actually listen to me when I tell them to stop being sexist asses. Honestly I never realized how bad it was until I realized how differently I've been treated now that society sees me as a man.

    It used to be comics, and now comics have kind of come to this begrudging "FINE GIRLS CAN COME I GUESS" state and now it's video games. It's like... we're all fucking people why the fuck does it matter what dingly dangly parts we have?

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      its a strange culture we have, unfortunatley its kinda stuck as is. Its really good to hear this form someone who truly has ventured both sides of the spectrum. Thank you for your input <3

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    I work on indie games with people all over the world. A programmer/engineer I work with in Australia recently mentioned that the gaming industry there has hiring mandates for women and LGBT people because there is so little of them within the industry. Which is pretty nice :>

    Also, just adding onto previous transman comment, I've also transitioned as male and find that I'm generally taken more seriously. If I say something now, I'm really listened to, and with fairly little effort. I've always been really mousy, but as a girl I'd have to repeat myself and try multiple times for my needs or opinions to be heard. On the flipside, though, I can't do a lot that I used to, particularly in the realm of expressing myself freely in public. Previously, I could wear anything I wanted and do most things without anyone really caring (aside from the occasional condescension). Now, I can't even look at children without fear of people thinking I'm a total creep, or get excited about someone's pet in public without being considered strange and awkward. God forbid I wear something not strictly masculine in design. It's really weird. There's a lot of nonsense on both sides.

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      yeah, once maybe ina couple of decades we might get rid of all that so it'd be easier for everybody

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        I hope so, but I really doubt it ;_;

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    It's sad to know people are still like this. xD
    I think you need both genders involved with something like gaming to have reasonable well-rounded outcomes.

    IDK-- I thought we had gone for a change since the CEO of OUYA is a chick-- and the musician for Child of Light was a chick-- albeit that's just the music but still.

    But it looks like we still got another decade or two before the old 'girls don't play video games' mentality goes away. I still can't believe I grew up in a time where that and 'girls don't whistle' was actually an acceptable thing to think/say. OTL

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      ahahah i was told to stop having my legs open when i sit. XDDD even when wearing pants and things.

      we are going for a change..its just the rest of the world isn't open for it

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        Which also reminds me-- the CEO i think of MapleStory America is also a chick. o_o

        This 'get back in the kitchen' mentally is so stupid.

        I also skimmed somewhere about that FtM peeps get a bit more respect after they switch. =/ What does that teach kids?
        That if you don't have a cock (or appear to have one) you won't get respect? That's why a lot of the younger FtM's seem to be doing it as a fad now a days x____x

        Like....come on man....u___u Gender roles are bullshit. If a chick can do the same job as a guy then why not hire her?

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    I read all this. I feel ignorant to be shocked at the atmosphere that's is still perpetuated in the work force. I still work in a field that , though is lifting the glass ceilin, sexual assault, harassment and rape is still an issue. We have policy to protect people and punish those that hurt but there's still things that get in the way of justice and that means the victim (usually a woman) gets the shaft in one form or another.

    And when I hear a small amount if men who feel comfortable to open up to me, they feel threatened and harvest an agnst towards women. But i'm "cool" because I'm not like most women, according to them. Obviously, theres ignorance to their mentality just like it'd be ignorant for me to complain to a man that all men are rapists.

    I'm at the point of my career where I'm literally waiting for it to happen to me. Just trying to mentally prepare myself so that maybe, just maybe, it won't be such a sucker punch.

    And that right there is why women get out of the service or are too afraid to sign up. You get assaulted or harassed, guess what, you still get to live and work with the person who assaulted or harassed you only for that person to get a slap on the wrist and not have to register as a sex offender.....

    Hope I didn't go too 180 in my comment but wanted to share that there are equally sensitive situations elsewhere and its a real shame that we all have to deal with it wherever we choose to work or make a career out of.

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      I honestly felt just like you when I posted my alll girls post. I didn't think it'd be such an issue till..well it became and issue. I dont see a 180, Its showing up that this is.. everywhere. And..thats a bummer. It really is..

      I get the same deal as you when the guys chat with me. Cause i usually understand what they are talking about and things like that.

      It's..its really bad that your actually prepared for something to happen to you. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, i'll hope you don't get sucker punched.

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        i hope you still feel comfortable posting updated journals about your research progress. i still find it fascinating. i like reading all of these things

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          Oh i will, I wont be spamming it though I think the internet can only take so many posts about real world things -laughs- X//d

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            Haha I know right?

            I wanted to express also that its great that transgendered people had something to contribute considering they literally got to live the experience from both sides furthering the fact that women are not over reacting (as some people want to write it off as). Their statements were n interesting read.

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    I really do not get how or why the internet is currently the huge, annoying hot bed of controversy where completely obvious, simple truths like "women have it harder in gaming" are suddenly being extremist. They do. They SO do. And yet saying this is enough to start an argument filled with anecdotal evidence, biased/quote mined sources, and general lazy research all because people don't like it being said. And I say people because BOTH GENDERS DO IT (though it is majority male, yes).

    All you need to do is look at ANYTHING that has happened to or has been said about Anita Sarkeesian to see how messed up, skewed, and in general broken gaming is about the topic.

    I just wish it wasn't going down like this. I am in some ways glad that this is talked about so much, but I hate that extremists have been center stage of the discussion.

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      Oh yes both genders do do this, 2 of the quotes I put up is actually from a female view on the industry.

      I wish that as well, It's pretty sad, but if I can manage to pull something together and share it aorund to help people know that this is an actual problem instead o fit just being woman who 'whine'. cause..that's how we're taken sometimes, 'oh stop whining and work' XDDD