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Thinking About Quitting by Kordoruna

I feel like my mentality of what an artist should be and what I actually am are 2 very different things. I'm not sure I want to draw for anyone anymore, or at least post any drawings publicly.

Thinking About Quitting


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  • Link

    Aww! This is just so sad. <:'
    I for one LOVE your art, seeing as I've bought countless adopts from you. <:3
    But, no one can make your decisions for you. <:) But I DO hope you change your mind. <:3

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      I appreciate it! I'm just not sure what to do right now.

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    Then don't; listen to your gut. Do it for yourself at least, as long as you still enjoy it.

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      I dunno what my gut is saying though.

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        Keep listening, then. Until that point, Jiggy down there has some good advice, better than I could say honestly.

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          nods It is good advice, but thank you as always for your input on things!

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    So according to you, what is an artist and what are you?

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      Well an artist needs to be ok with people deciding to make changes to their work once paid for if they want, but if I work hard on something I don't want someone to just completely change it. Like, if I give or am commissioned for a sketch and they go off and get it lined and colored, it isn't my work anymore and it makes me kind of sad. I'm not sure I should be an artist if that's how I feel about it.

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        Well there is a difference between a drawing as a hobby and drawing as a job, which commission kinda is. Like yeah, doing commissions, it's good to not attach yourself too much in the drawings you do for others. The person who paid technically owns the art and can do what they want with it. Unless the artist actually had terms on which the payer needed to agree with that would prevent them from doing some things with the result. But I'm not familiar with how most artist do those and what would consider over the top since, being money-less, I haven't been paying attention to those.

        But that's for paid work, request is more like a gift where they had a say about what was in the drawing and I wouldn't think that they should be able to do anything like how a commission is. So if that happened with requests, I'd say you have a right to be a bit upset about it.

        Then another side is art as a hobby. At this point you can still draw all you want and post it, a similar thing that can happen at that point would be people making unauthorized edits, but from what I've seen, that's mostly happen to people who are more popular. And sites that host these edits usually allows artist to ask them to delete they're work and/or the edits.

        So I don't believe that you aren't fit to be an artist. Especially since those two types of artist are mostly vague umbrella types. I think if you feel like you aren't fit to draw for other people, it doesn't invalidate you as an artist. And you can stop doing commissions, but if you keep drawing it's fine.

        If you do stop posting your art online, I personally hope that you'll keep drawing anyway for yourself, and maybe even hope that you'd return eventually to posting. I'd do want to see what you draw in the future. :3

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          Thanks a ton, Jiggy :3 I am really glad to know that there are people who really do like my art. I've for the longest time just sort of drew for people as a way of showing my thanks for their support, kindness, etc. I guess that from a business standpoint commissions are something else. I'll definitely keep posting more art I've done for myself though!