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Wowiee! by Ahkahna

Hey, guys!
I'll admit, I'm pretty surprised at the number of artist friends who've moved from FA to here as a permanent thing. I'll try to be active here, but seeing as how I'm not active anywhere (I'm usually just too tired and unmotivated) due to no artwork being produced, I doubt it would be much of a surprise that I lurk.

I hope things can turn around for me soon. Spring and Summer are my better seasons since I hurt less thanks to the heat and gardening keeping me stable.



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    Gardening is <3 I love the smell of warm earth and the satisfaction of eating food that only exists because of effort I put forth.

    Enjoy your lurking, I hope you like the site! It has its rough edges, but I'm liking it so far.

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    Weasyl is here to use as you see fit, so don't feel bad about lurking if that's what happens. :) Enjoy things at your own pace, it's certainly not a race around here so I'd like to think.

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    FA seems to still be more active than any other furry site. I do love the layout and feel of this one, but I still have to be active on FA for work. I hope you get to feeling better soon <3 I cant wait to commission you again, hopefully for a full blown piece :3

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    The one thing I like about Weasyl is it's friendler to submitting written works + art combined. Thought the PDF webviewer could use a bit more work.

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    I am glad to see you here, and to hear that you are feeling a bit better now! Please take care! :>