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Feliment Complete Information by Anuacyl

Feliments (Original Species)

Design Guide##

The letters are in reference to the style and fur patterns of each, while the numbers are in reference to the color schemes. Different numbers can breed together, but different letters cannot breed. While these are the only color schemes they ever come in, the shade/tint of the color may vary (being deeper/darker/lighter/brighter colors) or they may be swapped in position (i.e. mainly yellow with some orange instead of mainly orange with some yellow like 3) which is called reversed coloration and is a fairly rare occurrence.

display sheet

Types: (reflected in color (numbers))
1 Fire: Able to do anything with fire and heat, with minor control over the earth and air.
2 Water: Able to do anything with water and other liquids, with minor control over earth and spirit.
4 Spirit: Able to do anything related to healing and emotions, with minor control over air and water.
3 Air: Able to do anything with air, with minor control over spirit and fire.
5 Earth: Able to do anything with earth (including defining and locating minerals/ores of value), with minor control over water and fire.

Style Attributes: (reflected in pattern and figure (letters))
A. Master of Attentiveness, strong in accuracy and stamina while lacking in speed and strength.
B Master of Accuracy, strong in strength and attentiveness while lacking in stamina and speed.
C Master of Strength, strong in accuracy and speed while lacking in attentiveness and stamina.
D Master of Speed, strong in strength and stamina while lacking in attentiveness and accuracy.
E Master of Stamina, strong in attentiveness and speed, while lacking in accuracy and strength.

(read notes at end as well)

Detailed Feliments Information

The Feliments are magical creatures that help their human companions with their daily tasks. They are known for their loyalty and instincts, and tend to sense when/what they are able to help and would not hesitate for any reason to help their companions. Feliments have been known to sacrifice themselves in order for their companions to continue living, and to work with other feliments in order to achieve a similar goal (like helping one in need).
Nobody knows where the feliments came from, they just happened to appear one day and attach themselves to everyone over the age of 15. As no feliment will attach to anyone younger than 15, it has become a tradition that on the 15th birthday, the child is taken to be chosen and get their supplies. During they’re 14th year of life; they take mandatory courses in school to learn how to care for feliments and understanding their abilities and behavior. It took a generation or two before they figured it out, and to take best care of future feliments they always hand down new and old discoveries.

Feliments tend to have the ability to sense what a person is likely to become great at in their adult years and pick their companion based on this information. It is for this reason that when taken to get their first feliment, they are to be chosen by one rather than chose one themselves. (Yes, I know this sounds a lot like “the wand choses the wizard” but since getting a feliment is for life it seemed less chaotic plausible if the feliments knew if they were the best choice rather than a child get one based on what they only think they’ll be great at.)

Feliments are generally classified by style and type (example: E1, C5, B3…) but their personal names are discovered after about a week or so of interaction. Nobody knows how they discover their name; they just wake up one morning knowing the name of their personal feliment. While feliments may have different attitudes, they are always eager and willing to help their companions and other feliments.

Caring Needs

Feliments need to be brushed each morning (both their hair and fur), and bathed at least twice a week using lukewarm water and shampoo/conditioner very similar to that used for an infant-toddler. A Fire-type feliment is to be given a sponge-bath and never placed directly into any water unless you want it to be fairly sick (rain is also bad for them) and their water needs to be at least as warm as you’d bathe in.

Feliments refuse to sleep on the floor, so unless you don’t mind your feliment joining you in bed a cushion or bedding of some sort must be set up no less than 2ft above the floor. (They don’t seem to see themselves as your average pet, but behave as if they are our equals.) They prefer to be in the same room as you, and to sleep away from windows (and closets, they don’t like closets)

Feliments are able to eat any food so long as it is considered “healthy”, this means no fatty/greasy foods and only fruits for “sweet stuff”. If allowed to go hungry long enough a feliment will eat food even if it’s the kind that’ll sicken it, but unless unbearably hungry they will only eat the foods that will not harm it.

In the event that your feliment gets sick, take it to the nearest pharmacy and an A4 will treat it. There has been no creation of medication, nor any surgery on feliments as they need nothing more than the care of an A4 (there is no charge for treatment of your feliment, as giving anything for the work done purely by a feliment causes an undesirable reaction from any/all feliments that witness it).


In winter, feliments’ fur seems to be thicker (not in the fact of having more fur, just the individual strands are moderately thicker) and thin out in warmer weather. The fur does not grow, nor shrink and no shedding has been noticed (except in cases of old-age and disease).

Feliments tend to live exactly one week longer than their chosen companions, after that the feliment vanishes into a cloud of light of their elemental color (green, blue, orange, red, and purple). After some strange occurrences when this “cloud” was followed, it became theorized that the feliment is reborn (same style/type/name, no memory of deceased companion) and choses a new companion in this round. The only time they die sooner is when their life is given to save/protect their companion; as a result there are some who lost their companion.

Occasionally, a person may be sought out by a feliment in special cases. We have not determined any factors that sparks this other than if the person is willing to love another feliment or not and if they had/have good intentions. (Some think that the feliment that seeks them out is the rebirthed feliment they had before that chose to remember so that they might return to helping them. This theory is mildly supported by the fact that if treated with disregard or not taken proper care of the feliment will enter the cloud stage and leads to the belief that they may choose when this occurs.)

A feliment’s pregnancy lasts a full 4 months, and while they can give birth to any element they only have offspring of the same style as the parents. A typical litter can have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5.
Due to their feline-like appearance (including teeth/claws) and physical abilities, as well as their skill in elemental control, their name was created by combining “feline” and “elements” as someone’s joke originally however the name stuck and they seem pleased by the term.

Extra Notes:
-You may place any type to any style. Accessories may be added, and shades/tints may be altered. However, patterns may not be changed, but the splotches on style A are random.
-Though Feliments are sentient in their ability to understand the situation thoroughly enough to be of service/help, they are still unable to converse in any form that a real-world pet wouldn’t be able to.
-You may use this guide to create your own Feliment but I do request species credit.
-Singular Term: “Feliment”
-You may ask any questions if something isn't clear enough or if not mentioned in here.
-Feel free to use this to create/design your own feliment pet ^,^

Feliment Complete Information


Journal Information
