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How's the new Sketchy Style? by Nido-L-Norris

I think I'm liking it a lot more than most of the other things I tried.

I feel as if I've always been a "sketch" person.

If you guys think it looks fine, I think I may switch around my commission types and such to revolve around sketches and sketch coloring.

How's the new Sketchy Style?


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    Personally...I love it! I was never against your thick lines from your previous sketch, black and white art, but the thinner lines let the character and picture sink in as a whole better in my opinion, where as the bolder lines made them pop, but took away from the over all picture to some degree.
    Additionally, I just looove sketchy lines! And even more so, when lines are thinner and more notably sketchy, it's easier for both the artist, and the commissioner to go ahead and make it colored later on. The thinner and sketchier the lines, the easier it is to make a new layer for clean, inked lines to overlay the sketch ones and make all of it colored. Where as the thicker lines previous, make it harder to trace over and clean up lines for any after coloration or editing.

    Did any of that make much sense? >w<' I hope so, because I simply love the new sketch style, it's very aesthetically pleasing to me too. ;3

    Look forward to seeing what the new prices and commission form could be from you! Cheers. ^w^

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      That all made sense. c: thank you for your input!~

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        Ah, that's so good to hear. x3 And no, thanks go to you, for listening to my humble opinion! I'm happy to leave criticism and answer questions where it's desired. Glad I could be of help~ -w^