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Commission Rant by Ceowolf

Let me state that this is not something I normally do but its something that I need to say.

To all those who are commissioning me or plan to commission me in the future, I need your cooperation or things like this happen.

I had to close down my stream tonight because after I finished working on the sketch layout for Lesson One pg5, out of the 12 people I have on my commission list I was unable to work on a single piece due to the following reasons;

1) Lack of information - This ones pretty big, thank you to those who did provide me with the information I need but to whose who dont, I have nothing to work with if I dont know what you look like and I’m not going to hunt you down and hunt down the information. I will send you a reminder and simply move to the next person in line.

2) No payment - With no payment made I wont start work on your piece. Please please please consider putting down a payment if even just a little bit. It secures your place in the commission lineup and allows me to start working on your piece.

3) Lack of contact - I need to be in contact with you or I dont know whats going on and I cant get updates from/to you!

After Vancoufur I sent out emails and notes to people, some of which haven’t contacted me back yet. Others send me details but have not made a payment yet.

I will be sending out a slew of emails to my commission list to try and get things sorted out, hopefully so i have something to work on for Wed’s stream.

Thanks for reading!


Commission Rant


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