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F-You Windows 7! by Taelune

Ffffffff You!, Windows 7! I was working on a picture for the past like....4 or 5 hours, and didn't save because a) I'm a dumbass, and b) I was on a roll and didn't wanna stop..(I was almost done) and the stupid ~ *insert colorful words of hate here* PC decided to restart for some *insert more colorful words of hate* retardly random update......WHY SAI! WHY CAN'T YOU BE LIKE MS OFFICE AND SAVE STUFF WHEN PC IS RETARDED!? -cries herself to sleep-

F-You Windows 7!


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    Disable automatic updates o. o

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      Maybe...or learn to save my work periodically....

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        That always helps too >u< I know Photoshop CS6 has a feature where it'll shutdown the program for you after it's done saving, and if it doesn't finish the next time you open it it'll have the whatever you were working on open from where you left off. - At least that's what I remember, I could be getting this wrong.

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          Well I might just upgrade from CS5 then! but that doesn't help me with Sai ;..;

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            Yeh ;w; I don't have SAI legit so I don't know how often it gets updated if at all

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              Neither do I....>w> I'm talking about Windows 7 system updates.

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                Lmao, I know but I was saying I dunno if SAI could've gotten an update to prevent loss like this

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    Disable automatic updates. also, did the 'you still have programs running' screen not appear?

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      It did for like a millisecond, not enough time for me to click cancel...