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I thought that this site was supposed to be a loving and safe environment for all types of art and artists. Yet after posting a picture of a litter of kittens I'm being attacked and called 'cruel and selfish' for 'breeding with' my cat...and then this same person brings up something I said over a YEAR ago on FA...stalker much?
I mean honestly, so I like kittens and I think it's cruel to rip out the insides of any animal just because there are 'too many' of a certain species on the planet! So what! One cat who's had two 'pointless litters' is not going to over run an entire country. They're just NOT.
I don't care if you think I'm cruel and selfish, just keep your opinions to yourself. I don't want to hear it.
From now on, anyone questioning my 'motives/decisions/morals will be blocked.
Oh, and I don't now nor never did 'breed with' my cat. Aside from the fact we're both female, we're also different species and that's beastiality and I believe that is a foul, vile, cruel and selfish practice!
And this is NOT a debate journal, this is a rant.
I don't want to hear either side of any of these controversial topics. I just wanted to get this off my chest.
If I could disable comments, I would...

Lady Willow

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    It is just pathetic that people can not respect the fact that you are against ripping out your poor cats insides. I'm with you dear, that is just terrible.. it is like saying weeeeell humans are overpopulating the earth... //gets out to sissors