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New PoL site layout, PoL & you, and survey results by asterionblazing

Hey, PoLsters! Thanks to the hard work of my homiest homey, camorgan camorgan, the Pride of Life website is back with a fresh and clean new look! Not only that, but we’ve implemented some features that will make your reading life easier, as well as some reminders of ones you may have missed.

New Features:

-You can now browse pages using the arrow keys! Your days of clicking are over!

-For non-US readers that can’t access the site, all current PoL episodes and future updates are available here on Weasyl! Just go to my submissions and click on the folder 'The Pride of Life'. All episodes are in individual subfolders

-Following PoL on Twitter? You’ll get an auto-update when a new page is posted, so no worries about forgetting to pop in on Wednesdays.

-The Ask the Cast comics now have their own archive on the site, for when you need a breather from the main story. Just mouse over the Archive button and it’ll present itself properly.

As you might already know, I’m trying to make PoL into a full-time deal, and any little leg-up I can get would help. There’s still a ways to go yet, but if you’d care to lend a hand in some way, here are a few ways you can contribute!

How you can help support PoL:

Spread the word! Have a friend with similar tastes in comics? Why not introduce them? Ideally, I’d like for PoL to be a fun and inclusive experience for all its readers, so the more the merrier!

If you use an ad blocker, please consider adding to your whitelist.Half the site’s ad revenue is dependent upon views, so allowing ads to display during your visit would be appreciated. All circulating ads are SFW, and don’t include anything obnoxious like auto-play sounds or rapid flashing colors.

Become a patron! If you have a couple of bucks to spare on the regular, please consider becoming a PoL patron via Patreon. You’ll receive different rewards based on your pledge, not to mention getting early comic updates!

If you don’t fancy recurring payments via Patreon but still want to contribute, please consider making a one-time donation instead! You’ll see just below the page nav buttons, there is now a donation meter. If the target amount is reached, I’ll post an extra page the last Thursday of the month, making two updates for that week!

And I suppose while I have you here, I got a request to publish the results of the readership survey I rolled out a few weeks ago, so without further ado, the results!

Of 171 participants:
133 (78%) identified as male/men
32 (19%) identified as female/women
4 (2%) identified as neither
2 (1%) identified as 'other'

And in the listed age groups:
129 (75%) were between 18-30 years of age.
33 (19%) were between 31-49.
6 (4%) were between 13-17.
3 (2%) were 50+ years of age.
There were no readers less than 12 years of age.

The results were not at all surprising, though I thought female readership would be a bit higher (around 25%). I am glad that there were no readers less than 12 years of age, as PoL is a bit too intense for young readers at times. I was pleasantly surprised to see a sprinkling of 50-plusers in the audience, too! PoL's demographic isn't broad by any means, but I'm happy to see that it's something readers across age ranges can enjoy.

tl;dr - New site layout, arrow keys to nav, please whitelist on your ad blocker, tell your friends about us, consider Patreon patronage/donating, hitting the 18-30 year-old male demographic pretty hard.

That’s it for now! Be sure to come back next Wednesday for the start some serious superbeast action~

New PoL site layout, PoL & you, and survey results


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