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furthemore POST CON by Mantis

so that was fun??

shockingly tiny con, i mean, i knew it was gonna be tiny, since it was a second year baby con, but it was pretty nice! I have a few critiques as a dealer that I'll be..sending in.. and all that, but over all. good. made more than i expected to make, my charms were received well (ill probaby post the rest of them up for sale on fa tomorrowww), drew some cool characters, met some cool people, you know. the norm.

it was a pretty relaxing con, got to suit a fair amount in Mantis and Quake (and walked around in a panda shepherd fullsuit for a little while saturday night).

so!! yeah!!! back from con and back to my fulltime work schedule ha....haha...

next con for me is ANTHROCON which i will not be working at. chibbums and I are making it a VACATIONCON and are going to run around suiting and having fun and not working awww yeeaaah but we still want to make a little AC related $$$ so keep an eye out in the next few months for preorder information and fun stuff like collab commissions from chib and i ;)

furthemore POST CON


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