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Vancoufur in Review - 2014 by Fazar

Another year has come and pass, and just got back from Vancoufur for my second year attending it. Being at VF has sort of reinforced the idea that a convention is not entirely the people running it that makes it fun, but the people attending. A convention does set it up though by helping nurture the environment you all go to and enjoy though, a weekend of events to hit up, rooms to draw, and lounge in, play games, socialize, have food close by.

Starting out, I'd like to thank all those who did help make this con an absolute blast for me. Meeting you either for the first time, or again, and getting to hang out all helped make the con go from mediocre to amazing. In no particular order of importance zee. weremagnus teh shronin hammytoy scruffkerfluff wereman univaded_fox matrices jill0r koda_falken and everyone else I may not have mentioned I got to chat to, or had come up to me even just to say hi. You guys are ALL awesome!

The con was pretty much a day to day of social meeting, eating, and dancing sprinkled around with a few panels which were fun to attend. I got to suit a lot during Saturday thanks to a bit of advice to just stick with it till the dance competition.

Literally it's just a blur of fun at the moment, from the horrendous recorder music to a a few dance competition songs that had me laughing while watching, or even good times sitting down with new friends at the restaurants, having a cool snack sharing party, and getting some wicked new hand paws, and leggings to test out full force at the convention.

Vancoufur in Review - 2014


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    You should have won that dance comp!

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    ... Horrendous recorder music?