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UPDATES: So busy D: by ChewPeke

Sorry I haven't been active on here so much. I've been working quite a few hours with my new job recently (59 this past week). I will be working another week of 12 hours at least every day for 8 day starting on the 14th and ending on the 21st. I leave for Florida on the 25th to finally be with my husband after about 18 months apart. My TomCat <3. We will be moving a truck load of things of ours from Florida back to Washington state, but this will also be like a second honeymoon for us. We plan on seeing many national parks, like Moab, Zion, Grand Canyon and Yosemite. I'm very excited to see my Mom and Sister too, we have eve planned a day at the Magic Kingdom for my birthday on the 28th. Going there is my most treasured family tradition, having grown up near by on the coast.

I haven't forgotten about those freebies, I will likely post up one of them tonight that was all lined out nicely with detail but no shading. You are welcome to color them so long as you give me credit for the line art. I will be pretty quiet for the next month and a half, but thanks again to all of those who are watching :3

UPDATES: So busy D:


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