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Art and Things by Muck

So I got some little kitschy frames I'm going to sell with art in them. I already have a Lydia Deetz and Falcor completed. I'll be hopefully selling them at Cyphacon! I may put them on Etsy before the con, and get more frames if needed. I DUNNO. maybe after the con. I'm full of debating.

Sorry for the lack of furry art and the weird influx of Ovipets commissions. Been really embracing myself lately and exploring with my art. While I can still produce adorable, my art is shifting to more gothic and darker themes. I've also been focused on getting art done for the upcoming con and flea market festival.

(;n;)/ haven't had a legit commission over $5 bucks in a good while. If I don't sell art at the con or fest, ahahahahahahahahahha man I am the saddest artist on the planet. I am the shittiest at marketing myself.

You guys should see the gnome riding a turtle statue that I'm currently painting. Wait, hold on.. hope this link works

I was thinking maybe after the con and stuff, I'd try Iron Artist again but maybe start off at Bronze lol I won't offer porn this go-round (that's what tripped me up badly last time), no more than one character, but I will do nudes and lingerie and outfits and such. I want to contribute to groceries so I don't feel completely useless around here.

Anyway, if you're still reading you're awesome and hope my flow of thought isn't too rambunctious.

Art and Things


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    Hey well I look forward to whatever's in your art future of course. 83

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      Even a little Bronze artist challenge :> hmmm?