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well screw it all by EmilyThePenguin

I wouldn't have enough money for AC even if I tried. I'm in the middle of nowhere and I don't have enough furry friends to even consider wanting to tag along (even if they did have the money)

I'm too much of a dreamer, and that is really frustrating me lately. Because I PRIDE in being a dreamer. I don't give up.

But then real life shows up and smacks me in the face.

why else am I in a long distance relationship? I've got this freaking stupid glimmer of hope that he'll come see me. He sure as hell doesn't want me to go see him. I had my own mom tell me she doesn't view us as a couple anymore and that he will never leave home. That shit hurts.

why else do I want to be an artist? Because I've got this moronic idea that my art will be good enough to make others happy and be successful.

one of my favorite artists ever mentioned that she has to get a second job outside of her art... and like, she's my idol. Even she can't make it.

so no, I can't go to Anthrocon, it is too much money and I wouldn't have anyone to room with

I'm sorry for this. But I am so frustrated.

well screw it all


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    Where are you based out of? If you wanted to go to the Rocky Mountain Fur Con in August this year, you could room with me! I will either be living in Denver and commuting to the con from my apartment, or in a room with some friends.

    I was going to go to AC this year, since I've been in upstate New York, but I'm abruptly moving back to CO for health reasons...

    If RMFC is closer to you than AC, maybe that will work?