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Moved to a new Flat. by Rotarr

We FINALLY moved to our new flat X,x Only took like 3 days... urgh.
And the move was full of ups and downs (one down almost send me to the hospital) but now we are save and set :D
It will take some time till I find my "calmness" for drawing again. I can't sit down, i constantly run around cleaning things or just rearrange stuff. Also I neglect my friends here in vienna very much the last few weeks, since i just drowned in stress (not only because of moving, but my job is very stressful too atm). I have to make it up to them v___v Maybe with a little party :>

But anyway. Just wanted to tell you that Wolfy-Nails and my new flat is AWESOME! It's huge and comfy.
Yeaaah rolls around the rooms

Moved to a new Flat.


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    that is great to hear :J
    and good that it didn't end so badly with that down 0.o you need to be careful

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    How's the atmosphere feel there and how's the view?

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    Glad you've moved in now and everything went well! It might take a few weeks before you properly settle down again but I am sure you'll get back into art soon :)

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    Awesome! Glad to hear the move's over with. Don't worry, you'll settle in and things will calm down.

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    Glad things went well =3

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    awesome congrats! I have been stressing like crazy over our move.. we are STILL Not done packing and I am supposed to start moving tomorrow, we still have to clean everything, and be completely out with the furniture the 3rd. I HATE moving.. I can't wait to have a forever home someday.

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    Wünsch dir viel Glück in der neuen Wohnung. Bin selbst erst letzten Monat umgezogen und den "oh gott da ich ein Staubkorn ich muss es wegmachen"-Wahn ist am Anfang ziemlich schlimm, aber du kommst bestimmt ganz schnell wieder auf den Teppich. Stay Awesome ^v^

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    thehe Na dann schon mal glückwunsch und ich hoffe, es ist nichts zu Bruch gegangen :3 Viel Freude mit der neuen Wohnung und beim Hin- und Herdekorieren g Brot und Salz reich

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    Yay! I'm super glad you're enjoying your new home. Time to decorate the walls to make it feel comfier! :3 And I bet cooking a meal must feel nice in a bigger place, too.