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Trinity Miles' CS by Mendrea

"My name’s Gin Blanco, and I kill people."
- Spider’s Bite, Chapter1

General Characteristics

Name: Trinity Miles
Appearance: Toffee color skin tone. She has a curvy body shape, more so around the hips. Her eyes are a deep magenta. Her hair is sapphire blue.

Symbol: A snowflake
Pronunciation: TRIN-i-tee MY elz
Name Origin: Trinity is a popular Southern name for girls in the south. Her mother being from Alabama and her Father being from Texas, they wanted a name that matched to their southern roots. Trinity was the last addition to the immediate family, creating a family of three.
Name Meaning: From the English word Trinity, given in honor of the Christian belief that God has three states of being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Other Names: Mendrea
Titles: Silent Night
Alternate Forms: Palala Form.
Social Security Number: 050-43-8345
ID Number: 388690674
Theme Song: Levi vs Female Titan
Zodiac: Gemini

Personal Characteristics

*Birth Date: June 15th
Birth Name: Trinity
Birth Place: Manhattan
Birth Weight: 6lbs
Birth Length: 19in
Manner of Birth: Complicated birth. C-section required. Her mother is no longer able to give birth.
First Word(s): Bear

Death Date: TBD
Age at Death: TBD
Death Place: TBD
Resting Place: TBD
Manner of Death: TBD
Last Words: TBD

Primary Objective: Revenge for her Parents’ death, who were killed in result of a botched hit.
Secondary Objectives: After an incident that happened two years before, she has a personal objective to help Aine and Rosa whenever she can.
Priorities: Get things done, while minimizing collateral damage. In her line of work she makes sure to keep certain things in mind, No children, no pets, no torture.
Motivation: Protection. Despite her job field, she is very protective towards the people she’s developed a relationship with. She will fight tooth and nail to keep them safe and out of danger.
Accomplishments: Won five regional competitions for gymnastics, developed her own method of making tools and objects out of ice, twenty-seven successful hits completed
Greatest Achievement: Top score at a national competition.
Failures: She did have a time where she failed to do thorough research on her targets. It ended when she was assigned Aine and Rosa, not knowing their about their ages, magic and Aine’s instability.
Biggest Failure: Her failure to act upon her feeling that something was wrong with her most recent assignment. It put Aine, Rosa, and her contact in danger as well as took the life of her parents.
Self-Confidence: A decent amount of confidence. She’s confident in her looks, her ability to perform well in her job field, however she will have traces of doubt when preparing to face someone stronger than her.

Traumas: Due to an incident when she was younger involving a man with Electrical magic, she has flashbacks and anxiety attacks during thunderstorms. Because of this, she cannot be around Rosa when she practices.
Afflictions: None
Embarrassments: She gets flushed when she has to talk about anything sex related around children.
Worries: Worries about her parents getting caught up in her line of work
Soothers: Genuine comforting. (ex. Extended talking on the matter without judgment)
Instigators: Thunderstorms, Big and quick flashes of light. Mentioning of or seeing abuse, especially to minors.

Earliest Memory: Going to the beach for the first time at age 3 with her parents. She enjoyed being pushed by the waves on the shore. She also was pinched by a crab and named it Mr. Pinchers.

Fondest Memory: Receiving gratitude for giving a family freedom from an abusive relative. The mother was holding her children close, muttering about the relief of finally being free from her abusive partner.
Worst Memory: Being attacked on the streets when she was 12. She was attacked on her way home from after-school by a man with electric element magic. In the assault she was hit by electric attacks from the man. Out of fear and adrenaline, she managed to use her magic to impale the assailant before passing out. She woke up in the hospital the next day.

Desires: She has a desire to live comfortably and effortlessly when she’s older. She wants to reach a position where she no longer needs to work and can roam about carefree.
Wishes: She wishes she could live without worry about people trying to hit her.
Regrets: She has regrets about being an assassin, more after her parents are killed.
Secrets: TBD
Confidantes: Her friend Sakura Estsuko
Soft Spots: Children
Cruel Streaks: Immoral People. (rapist, child abusers, people prying on the weak)
Musical Instrument: She cannot play an instrument
Quirks: Talking with her hands when she is more emotional, fiddles with the ring on her finger when she’s nervous
Dominant Hand: Amberdextrious

Mental Characteristics

IQ: 138
Known Languages: English, Spanish
Lures: Gymnastic equipment, big bodies of water.
Manias: None
Memory: She has a fairly good memory.
Phobias: Astrapophobia
Savvies: web design, hacking, assassinating, coding, information hiding.
Ineptities: She cannot understand why people willingly hurt themselves
Temperament: Rational (Phlegm)
Hobbies: Freelancing, code building, ice sculpting
Pet Peeves: When people assume they know her personality. When people waste food. When people do or say things that are considered idiotic. People making a big deal of her hair.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical-Mathematical: She is able to think logically when under pressure, realizing that if mistakes are made the results might not be reversible.
Spatial: Magic requires a certain degree of imagination. Her working with Ice and metal magic allows her to create tools and objects from her imagination.
Linguistic: When it comes to taking to people on a regular basis, she does very well. However when she needs to talk about her emotions, she’s vague and sometimes not understandable.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: As a gymnast and an assassin her mind and body work well to provide quick and steady movements to her desire.
Musical: Tone deaf. She cannot sing and has not had any real desire to learn how to play musical instruments.
Interpersonal: Generally she interacts with others very well. She speaks to people casually, not caring much for social status. She takes time to understand people’s motives and beliefs.
Intrapersonal: She understands that she is hypocritical in a lot of the things she says and believes. For instance she knows that killing people is wrong and has seen the pain that some of the jobs she’s done has caused. However, when her parents are taken from her, she has a moment where she breaks down and has to feel for herself the pain she’s caused. But even then, she still continues to kill.
Naturalistic: She understands that the area she lives in, if not most of the world is very cruel. Even the people who seem the sweetest can turn out to be nasty and bitter. The city life just seems to be more abundant in these people, at least to her.
Existential: Perceiving things outside of the natural realm and universe for her is a bit natural. Growing up sometimes she imagined a world without magic; would she have been attacked like she was if magic didn’t exist. With an instance of Rosa being discriminated against for being an elf, she tried to think of a world where everyone was the same species, human for example. But knowing how abundant hate is, she came to the conclusion that everyone would still find a reason to hate one another.

Philosophical Characteristics

Morality: “At least I admit it.” She knows she’s no angel, having the job of killing people is regarded as bad and evil. She knows he’s done wrong and does not seek to justify it. Be it killing for her job or killing to protect someone.
She always makes sure to never physically harm children or animals. She will never take a job that involved harming a child. A “child” is considered anyone 18 and under.
Etiquette: If people call her out for being a person that kills people she’ll let them know that she already knows what she’s done. But just because she does it, doesn’t mean she’s going to let others go on a crazy murder spree.
Attitude: Pretty calm and relaxed. She’ll get a bit hyper active at parties or clubs.
Outlook on Life: Despite her mostly relaxed demeanor, she has a really morbid outlook on life.
Perception: She looks at life realistically, trying her best to ignore her emotions to a situation.
Standpoint: She feels like she’s just another person trying to get along in the world, and just has the unfortunate luck to get involved in other people’s problems.
Philosophy: “When what you hear and what you see don’t match, trust your eyes.” –Dale Renton
Political Party: She’d rather not get caught up in politics.
Taboos: She’d never harm a child or an animal.

Spiritual Characteristics

Superstitions: “Counting Crows”
Virtues: Humility, Diligence
Vices: Wrath

Supernatural Characteristics

Ability: Magical Acrobat
Element: Born with Ice powers, learned small control over Metal from her father.
Immunities: Not immune to the cold and other Ice magic, however it takes longer for her to be affected by hypothermia.
Futilities: Her magic cannot affect items made out of Avisum Metal
Restrictions: Her control over metal only allows for her to create small items from existing metals and moving gears inside locks. The farthest she can extend her ice magic is 50ft away.
Origin: Born with it, she inherited the ice magic from her mother’s side of the family. Over time she learned minimum control over metal from her father.
Source: Her own body.

Highs and Lows

Likes: She likes to go to a club owned by a close friend of hers. She likes to experiment with different partners, but figures that she won’t find a permanent partner. She likes to collect rings.
Dislikes: She dislikes thunderstorms, when there is a thunderstorm she’ll confine herself and find distractions until the storm passes. She does not like to use unsilenced guns, as they cause too much noise. She hates using guns that are not hers, she does not know how well managed they are and in an emergency, might not be able to check how many rounds it has.

Favorite Actor: Robert Downey, Jr
Favorite Animal: Hamsters
Favorite Arts: Traditional
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favorite Book: Almost Heaven
Favorite Color: light blue
Favorite Country: Spain
Favorite Drink: Jamaican Cobbler
Favorite Excuse: “We had a disagreement.”
Favorite Food: Rosemary Lamb Chops
Favorite Flavor: Sour
Favorite Musical Genre: Classical
Favorite Number: 3
Favorite Place: Seaport, Fulton Street Manhattan
Favorite Quote: “Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.” – Mick Mundy
Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Story Genre: Sci-Fi
Favorite Subject: Computer Science

Least Favorite Actor:
Least Favorite Animal: She doesn’t really dislike any animals, however she does not like being around certain animals when they shed.
Least Favorite Arts: None really
Least Favorite Band: Random Band
Least Favorite Book: 50 Shades
Least Favorite Color: Salmon
Least Favorite Country: Australia
Least Favorite Drink: Cherry Soda
Least Favorite Excuse: “I couldn’t figure it out.”
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate
Least Favorite Flavor: Spicy
Least Favorite Musical Genre: Rap
Least Favorite Number: 7
Least Favorite Quote: “All’s Well that ends well.”
Least Favorite Restaurant: Steak House
Least Favorite Season: Summer
Least Favorite Story Genre: Romance
Least Favorite Subject: WoodShop (Simply because the way the school taught it as rather boring)


Accessories: Silver ring, right hand, middle finger
Dress Style/Wardrobe: Urban
Equipment: At least one silenced pistol and two knives.
Most Prized Possession: A teddy bear from when she was a child
Most Valuable Possession: Computer
Trinkets: She carries a metal pendant.

Social Characteristics

Communication: She communicates mostly verbally, when more emotional she also uses hand gestures as she speaks.
Criminal Record: Several counts of murder. She has not served time for a number of factors:
• Her guns, rifles, knives, and bullets are custom made, making them harder to track if a body is discovered.
• Her calls come and go on disposable or untraceable phones.
• Any clothes she wears to a mission are burned afterwards.
• For particularly messy situations, she has a person she can contact for “clean up”. This is the same person relied on to bring jobs to her attention.
• She can keep an eye on cases on her hits that pop up from a computer she has set up for hacking.

Discriminations: Authority, knowing first –hand how corrupt a lot of people are authority are, she’s reluctant to trust any person of authority or high status.
Dominance: She’s very firm with her stance on a situation. It will take a very compelling argument to change her mind once it’s set. If she is triggered emotionally, very little will change her mind.

Ego: She is confident in her abilities to get jobs done, confident in her appearance and
Emotional Stability: Unless certain triggers are triggered then it takes a while to break her.
Expression: She says how he feels most of the time.
Humor: (What does your character think is funny? Blond jokes? Death? Farting?)
Liveliness: She’s about as lively as the average person in their early twenties. She has no problem going out at night for parties.
Mannerisms: (How does your character commonly act? Rude? Well-mannered? Creepy?)
Patience: Very patient, however persisting annoyance will result in her finding the simplest method to get rid of the annoyance.
Reputation: Aine thinks she is a respectable person. Rosa thinks that she’s odd but in a fun way. (Rosa is unaware of her job as an assassin in the beginning of the story.) Her parents are conflicted about her choices. Her reputation as the “Silent Night” is notable throughout the state.
Sociability: She’ll interact with people who are available. It always pays for her to know a little bit of something about everyone she encounters.
Status: As herself, she’s known as sought after Coding designer for games, apps and websites. As “Silent Night” in the underworld of things she’s known for being a cold-killer.
Style: Urban


Compliments: “You’re not so bad.”
Insults: “Sorry, but my time is better spent on someone else.”
Emotional Status: Relaxed
Expletives: When she’s angry she’ll be more open when using swear words.
Mood: Thoughtful
Farewells: Walking away waving back without looking back at the person.
Greetings: Usually with people she’s close to she’ll have an energetic greeting, letting the person know full well that she’s in the vicinity. With people she’s unsure about he greets them politely and warily. For people she has little interest in, she’ll give them a bored greeting.

School and Work

Average Grade: A to B+ range
Degrees: None (currently attending college)
Education: So far her highest completed education is high school.
Extracurricular: She took part in gymnastics, Rifle team and a computer club
Graduating Year: 2016
School: Echo Valley Private School (Elemetary – Middle School) Chalingstion Academy
Special Education: Private Schooling.
Study Habits: She studies as she goes along in the lessons, only returning to areas that didn’t quite stick the first time she went to them. She then tests her memory of the topic the next day. If she can remember it, she moves on. If she cannot, she’ll write out what she can’t remember.

Association: Her jobs have her associate with people both at the very top and the very bottom of the social pyramid. However, she’s more fond of the people in the middle.
Boss: ‘Underworld’ bosses, in charge big name groups or companies. Otherwise companies who need websites or other things coded.
Experience: seven years of coding, five years of killing
Hours: Depends on the job
Days: Anytime
Learning Type: Visual
Occupation: Assassin (Freelances as a side job)
Rank: She’s her own boss. She picks the tasks she’ll take on.
Work Ethic: Thoroughly and effectively
Transportation: Cars. She has a strong dislike of public transportation


Class: She chooses to live middle-class. She doesn’t think she’d enjoy living in the high society life.
Debt: No monetary debt
Dependents: No one is dependent on her for money, but helps her parents out to keep them comfortable
Funds: Keeps a few hundreds on hand for emergencies. She has at least $800k in storage.
Income: A minimum of $50k per person on a hit. Freelance varies

Intrapersonal Connections

Immediate Family: Parents
Close Relatives: Grandmother
Distant Relatives: Iena, second-cousin
Ancestors: Her Great grandfather was an elf and his traits for blue hair and Ice magic were inherited down the line.

Acquaintances: Over the course of time she becomes aquainted with Aine’s boyfriend, some of the staff at city hall, Rosa’s martial arts teacher
Allegiance: Through the course of the story she has to work with magic users who have called themselves Palala
Friends: Aine, Rosa, Sakura,
Inspirations: She strives to be like her mentor who taught her how to be an assassin
Pets: She can’t keep pets
Rivals: Her best friend, as they compete sometimes with their hacking ability and information seeking
Role Models: Her parents and her grandmother
Subordinates: Depends on the situation

Physical Characteristics

Species: Human
Nationality: American(Mixed; African American, Caucasian)
Skin Color: Light brown
Height: 5ft 5in ( cm)
Weight: 140lbs ( kg)

Hat Size: 5
Shirt Size: Medium
Waist Size: 13
Shoe Size: 7
Face Shape: heart
Hair Color: blue
Hair Length: short
Hair Type: straight
Hair Style: short cropped
Widow's Peak: yes
Eyebrows: thin
Facial Hair: None
Ear Type: normal
Ear Shape: Kidney shaped
Eye Type: Sharp round
Eye Color: Magenta
Nose Shape: Nubian
Teeth: omnivore
Chin Shape: pointed
Makeup: For events that need make up, she’ll wear blush, eye shadow and a light pink lip gloss. For times when it’s needed for disguises, she’ll wear contacts and a black wig.

Health and Fitness

Birthmarks: She has a birthmark on the back of her left calf and on her right hip
Blood Type: O+:
Diet: A balanced diet of fish, lean meats, vegetables, dairy and grains. She has a very limited intake of sweets and alcohol. Does not like chocolate, coffee, and spicy food.
Figure: Pear shape. Her shoulders have less with than her hips. Her bra size being 28C
Fitness: Actively exercises three times a week, switching between aerobic and anaerobic exercises.
Hygiene: Showers every day. Showers are immediate after an assassination.
Martial Arts: CQC
Maximum Load: 60lbs
Posture: Straight
Scent: Pumpkin Spice
Somatotype: Mesomorph

Sexual Characteristics

Gender: Female
Gender Role: Female
Orientation: Pansexual

Sex Life: Free roamer
Virginity: No
First Love: Jake Hodei
Love Interests: None
Marital Status: Single
Significant Other: None

Residential Characteristics

Abode: Two floor home located near the edge of the city
Citizenship: Natrual born US citizen
Hometown: Manhattan
Sleep Patterns: She has does not have a set sleep schedule but she will usually be in bed before 4am and awake before 10 am

Vocal Characteristics

Accent/Dialect: New York
Impediments: TBD
Laughter: TBD
Pitch: TBD
Range: TBD
Volume: TBD

Story Information

Archetype: The Outcast
Enneagram: Type Eight
First Appearance: End of the first chapter
Earliest Appearance: Cover
Flaws: She’s a good liar, prejudice on certain things
Tropes: Main Characters
Role: Instigator, supporter, secondary poor parental figure
Significance: Important

Extrauniversal Information

Analogue: How she goes about herself is similar to the character Gin, from the Spider Assassin Series
Inspiration: Gin Blanco from the Spider Assassin Series


MBIT Personality Type: EDTJ
Anima: If she were to truly feel like she’s acting like herself she would practice her gymnast moves, happily ice skate or play with her old teddy bear.
Persona: She only keeps her bear in her home and only takes him out when she needs it. Aside from stretching and exercise she doesn’t let herself go crazy with gymnastics anymore. She doesn’t skate with a crowd.


First Impressions: She gives the impression of a woman who is rebellious, might not have done so well in school and maybe some personal problems.

Strangers' Impressions: Generally strangers will get the impression that she’s a carefree person who’s trying to live a life she can’t afford.

Friends' Impressions: She’s respectful and caring person however they know that she can have a bite.


Living with Rosa and Aine has made her more involved in the community. Attending the high class parties, volunteering, helping set up events, and donating to charities.


Personal: TBD

Social: Her social development does not change for the most part. The only thing that changes over time that she stops her job as a hit man and tries to live out life free and normally. She still interacts with people the same.

Physical: Her figure stays the same as she goes about the story due to her dietary and exercise habits.

Defining Moment

TBD (This requires more thought and might not be defined for awhile)


Infancy: Being coddled by her parents. Her parents were very strict with choosing babysitters.

Childhood: She spent time looking up to her father and wanting to learn about technology. She learned how to take control of metal along with practicing using her ice magic. She was involved in sports and took a special liking to gymnastics. She took to her grandfather’s view of the world. That he wasn’t sure why they were there, but not to let the fear of going where you go after you die keep you from living life the way you want.

Adolescence: She became more active in gymnastics as well as joined the rifle team. During this time period she became more aware of the darker side of the world, stemming from the incident when she was attacked.

Adulthood: TBA

Seniority: TBA

Other Information
• Trinity inherited her eye color from her father, who is a proficient in metal magic. Her hair color comes from elven ancestry on her mother’s side, Trinity’s great- grandfather. Being that elves and dwarves have more variety of hair colors in their gene pool.
• Trinity comes and goes from Aine and Rosalina’s home in the beginning of the story, opting to stay with her parents now and then aside from her own house. Her parents are trying to convince her to retire from the assassin business saying that she’s made enough to live comfortably. After a few chapters she decides that this hit would be her last one. However the hit was a set up. The original planner planned on having the target killed and then having the assassin, Trinity, killed off as well. Because Trinity spends time in three different locations the person intended to have all of her residents attacked as well as eliminating her contact for jobs.

Trinity Miles' CS


Journal Information
