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Streaming Questions by VenomousSoliloquy

When you're watching someone stream art, how long do you expect them to take on a single picture?
And, are you adverse to them switching between pictures, instead of just focusing on one and getting it done??

I'm just curious. Because, one of the reasons I rarely, if ever, stream, is because I feel that I take too long (I take a long time), for people to keep interest. As well as, I get very antsy if I only work solely on one image. I like hopping between pictures at random. And finishing little bits here and there.

So. Opinions? Thoughts?

Streaming Questions


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    I don't think it is necessarily the speed of a commission that draws people in, it's the ability to chat with the artist and other followers. :3

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      This is true. Though, I have seen viewers just sorta wander away because "Holy crap, they've taken five hours already. 8|; And they aren't done yet!" or something. And I'm like "I'm SORRY! 8U I WORK SO SLOOOOOWWWW". But yeah, I totally agree. That's usually why I tune in. To chat, and to half watch while I do my own thing. C:

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    I really don't mind what the artist does in terms of just focusing on one picture versus jumping around. Either way I'm getting to watch the magic happen, as it were, no matter what stage that may be at. As for time, I actually like when streams are longer. The more I watch someone being creative and working on their craft, the more I want to be sitting on my side of the screen and drawing. It's always inspiring to watch someone draw, and the longer the better. And of course, I like having people to chat to. Usually I'm a quiet lurker since some of the streams I've been in are all so buddy-buddy and I always feel like the odd one out, but I do like the social aspect of streams. :)

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      Well, if you ever watch any of my streams, do feel free to talk. I won't ignore you. ♥ And I don't value friends over one another. Some might be more loud or more talkative, but I don't actually go "Oh look it's so-n-so, I want to talk to them the most, let's forget everyone else in the stream!!". Hahaha.

      I of course, know the feeling. I tend to be the silent lurker in a lot of streams. Takes some effort to even say hello when I tune in.

      Anyway, thank you for the feedback!