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-Blows Dust Off Journal- by patchwork-shark

Hello followers!

I know I've been quiet a lot of the time, I apologize that I rarely get to checking messages here or updating with new work. My job is very strenuous and I am occupied with drawing in most of my free time. I have intentions to jumpstart my plush soon though, with all new original patterns and some fun fanart-based work too!

I'll be aiming for more unique and personal styles rather than direct replication of official characters - for example, rather than a standard Vulpix plush, I may opt to create a patchwork style one with a variety of different fabrics and materials. This kind of personal touch is something I've wanted to try for a while and I hope it helps to set my work apart from the more standardized appearance of the Pokemon and Pony plush fandom. (Not to berate their work, it is well done!)

I am now in possession of a sewing machine thanks to my bro neilak20 which I have yet to find time to set up but plan to as soon as I have all necessary materials. Below is a list of some concepts I'll be working on:

Patchwork My Little Ponies
Patchwork Pokemon
Patchwork Keatons
Standard Keatons
Banjo-Kazooie Jiggy Piece Pillows
Kitty Ghast Pillows
Realistic Style Eevee
Windwaker Miniblin
Possible Mario, Zelda, and Kirby Toys

Patchwork Bunnies
Patchwork Kitties
Patchwork Goats
Patchwork Dragons
Patchwork Kitsunes
Patchwork Sharks
Sharks with Lasers
Sea Angels

Commission slots MAY become available on a very limited basis. I will announce them via journal if I open a slot or two!

Suggestions or ideas are always welcome!


-Blows Dust Off Journal-


Journal Information
