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Things About Weasyl by Lapseph

I like that it comes with a feature to make custom thumbnail icons for my submissions really easily.
I hate that people actually use this feature. XD

Seriously, that's like the one thing about FurAffinity's thumbnail system breaking that I simply adored, I could go through my submissions or a person's gallery and immediately be able to tell what I was looking at without having to click on it because it was a heavily cropped icon. On Weasyl I'm back to running it oldschool and not knowing if I'm wasting my time or not by clicking something.

I like that there are folders, but it's hard to decide what to do with them...

It's too dark.

I get to make a banner! ^.^
I have to make a banner... >.<;;

I can post content privately that only my Friends can see.
Everyone wants to be my Friend. XP

There's no Flood Protection for submissions and comments!

They still allow non-furry art and postings.... -.-;

TAG FILTERS!! I feel more comfortable posting certain things now! XD
I have to actually use the Tags now. >.<;;

You can Favorite a JOURNAL! XD

There are Steaming Activity features so people don't have to post journals and repetative art submissions to announce this fact!
Just so long as they're actually using this, because I haven't been here long enough to tell. All I know is GAWD that shit is annoying on FA.

That's all I can think of right now... XD

Addendum 1 - Notifications section is a little hard to work with now that I'm getting to play with it a bit more and it is easy to accidentally delete notifications you weren't done with. That's a little bothersome. It doesn't show an exact count on the separate sections either, that's a little disappointing.

Things About Weasyl


Journal Information



(No tags)


  • Link

    It is indeed a VERY neat site! X3
    The only objection is that you can't delete or hide a comment, if need be. <:'

  • Link

    They are working on the thumbnail issue. It just might take a while. FA is MUCH darker than this website. The dark theme there is too dark yet the light theme is too light. This is just perfect, in my opinion. There is flood protection, but the person uploading has to turn off the notifications set in a specific folder.

    And what's wrong with non-furry stuff?

    • Link

      Which site is working on the thumbnails? o.O

      I don't view FA on the dark profile. I use the blue one. I think it's just fine, myself.

      I like the lack of Flood Protection though... it means I can upload as quickly as I'm able to and not have to sit there fapping about for a minute before I can continue. If Weasyl had been set up like FA in that regard then I'd have given up on reposting so much of my gallery entirely. As for the option to not send notifications to watchers, that is useful, especially for mass repostings like what I just did... BUT, I didn't really use it during the repost because almost no one knew I was here yet to be getting the notifications.

      Ehh... it's just a personal thing. This is a Furry art site, so I expect to see Furry art. It can be off putting to run into random human porn on the frontpage or where ever, because that's not what I came here for. I suppose that's what the tags are for though, so maybe I'll play with those after a while.

      • Link

        Weasyl is working on the thumbnail system. Be aware it's still in beta mode so there are issues still being found and solved. Here's a list they have that's being worked on or is closed already.

        Technically it's not a furry art site. It's just furry friendly. So anything can be uploaded as long as it follows the rules. It brings in variety and variety is a good thing. Tag filtering is wonderful so do play around with it.