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The Table of Safety by arikla

With TFF coming up I have come to realize I am a little worried. I have no dealer's table. I may be able to get an Artist Alley table but there is never a guarantee of that. I am worried because I am actually very shy. the table helps. If I can sit on one side of the table and have people come up on the other side I feel ok. I can talk about my art or theirs or really about anything. I have the table so I am "safe". It lets people come to me without me feeling guilty I cannot go to them.
On the other side of the table I am just as bad. I will go to an artist's table that I love their work and admire but I am quiet. They are usually working on something behind the table and so I do not want to interrupt to tell them how much I appreciate what they do. How much it inspires me. I get tongue tied. I usually manage to smile when I buy something or make a quick comment when/if they look up. to those few artists I have manage to squeek out compliments to... thanks for smiling and being appreciative it really helps.
Oddly, though, or maybe not so oddly as the brain works, when I am behind my table i make a concerted effort to look up at people who stop by, talk to them, encourage them to ask questions. I try to be who I wish I was on the other side of the table.
I am a bit worried at TFF because I am going on my own. My husband is staying home. He is the social one in our relationship. Typically in the time I am sitting at the table he has found 10-15 new people and we all go out to dinner together. Then I can be social because my husband is my table. RF last year was similar, no husband. So I usually wound up eating on my own and at one point I think I accidentally scared another artist as I was walking to dinner. Furries don't walk alone so I was "creepy". :-/
At TFF I want to try to make an effort to actually meet people and climb out of this social anxiety but I am not sure how. Any suggestions? Furries are by far the friendliest group of people I have ever met so I figure it is a good place to start :)

The Table of Safety


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    hey if you need someone to talk to, find me in artist ally~! Im gona be there for sure cause i get up early everyday! Feel free to say hi! You cant miss me, just look for dyke clothes and a floral hat ^^

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      I'll look for you! I like the idea of a floral hat :) Thank-you :) I'm going to try and get my butt up early too to get a table.