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Short leave -EXTENDED- by Forgess

Today I am re packing to put all my belongings into the car. Tomorrow I make the 4 hour drive to my father's house to spend time with him before Saturday. Saturday I drive from there to Wisconsin, which is a little over 8 hours, depending. Spending the night at a friend's house so the rest of the trip isn't too hard. Hopefully, the next day, I can make it to my new temporary home by 5 pm. After that, I get back to work. The raptor is NEARLY complete!!! Just a few more touches, and wammo!! Photoshoot and off to it's commissioner it goes!
Until then, sorry for the huge wait guys. Apparently I go with the wind.

Short leave -EXTENDED-


Journal Information



  • Link

    GOOD LUCK and travel safe!

    • Link

      I WILL DARLIN!!! Thank you!!! The big worry is if I'll have enough cash to do it!! DX

  • Link

    Good travels and stay safe out there

    • Link

      Thank you!!

  • Link

    Safe travels! Don't let those nasty storms get too much in the way!

    (And hopefully, after, some more demony stuff? You told me to poke you about it! :) )

    • Link

      Indeed~ Much more!!! I plan on cleaning up some sketches, sending you the rejects, finishing the first fo the duo, and fleshing out the second. I will be getting to the second commission slot afterwards, as I really am in a pinch.

  • Link

    Stay warm and safe!

    • Link

      Thanks buddy! I will!

  • Link

    head bump

  • Link

    Yay! For Raptor completion!
    May the wind be at your back and your journey safe! ^.=.^

    • Link

      Thank you kindly, Endle.

  • Link

    That's a bit bit of traveling... Drive carefully and stay warm!

    • Link

      I shall, thank you!

  • Link

    Have a good trip! Don't roll around in random snow just because it looks fluffy!

    • Link

      Never roll in the snow!!!

  • Link

    Safe travels Ki! <3 warm wishes your way c:

    • Link

      Thanks darlin!!! <3

  • Link

    Have a safe trip! Hopefully the weather will be nice while your up here. ^.^ (I live just north of Milwaukee WI)

    • Link

      Haha! I'll be driving down from Cook, MN. It's far far far north. I live in Minneapolis, which is still north of Milwaukee. I'm used to the -25 temps we've been getting! DX Yay record setters, eh? Hope it hasn't been too bad for you!

      • Link

        I visit Minneapolis a few times every year, we should hang out some time. ^.^ I try to make it to the MN picnic every year if I can.

        I was there the other weekend when you hit the record and the whole state shut down. Wound up staying a few extra days till the cold broke. BRRRrrrrrrrr

  • Link

    The Adventure continues! Have an uneventful journey (in terms of Things That Could Spontaneously Explode)!

    • Link

      I hope for this as well!