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Your Thoughts On Previews, Input Wanted. by Charrio

Heya all, I want to know your thoughts on my new Previews of the next page of,
Life With Nelwin.

I want to try and give a peak but not the comic or gag,

I will also be trying this on the Alvin VS Nelwin one.
I will show a thumbnail of a panel before I'm done.

I kinda like the idea, but what do you guys think since your my audience.

(sits and sips coffee)

Oh and the Kiriban is still at 1000 page hits.
So keep that in mind, screen capture of the page hit and all.

Your Thoughts On Previews, Input Wanted.


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    WIP's don't bother me at all. As a matter of fact, I enjoy them.

    Why? I'm a sketch/line man and there's a version in between the initial idea and final piece that makes me go "WOW! Why didn't they stop there?" XD

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      Append: I'm enjoying more the posts of the original Life with Nelwin more than the reboot because of this. I'm weired, I know ;-)

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      Sweet, I don't blame you.
      I really like that one too, but LWN and Alvin has just started.
      Its hard to get very far with three panels lol

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    I do like the WIPs and I frequently fave WIPs.

    My own personal opinion of reboots though is that they tend to take away creative time and energy from new content. The originals have their own unique charm. But it is nice to see things in your modern style.

    Philosophically, I think that having new content in the modern style is a way of showing the growth and learning that has occurred over the years.

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      I do hear ya there, Its much easier for me to redo a joke i already had in LWN classic.
      The new one with Alvin is a bit harder, I had to write a short story and reactions lol

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      Oh and I forgot to say how, weird it is drawing a old comic over, I have to think on the page and how to redo it in More Detail
      But the weird part is just seeing how bad i was and then looking up at the project where I am now. I'm not used to positive progress lol

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        As you probably know, I have way too many comics to redraw. But I feel I've learned lessons from the past and can do quite a bit more as I continue forward.