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a cisq (long personal faq thing) by Cisqur

What's your real name?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
medium brown in the winter, in the summer it gets bleached; I often dye it black or something weird/dumb

What's your eye color?
this isn't my eye but this is quite accurate
whatever this kaleidoscope anime shittery is

What's your orientation?
kinda gay; kinda gray asexual; it's complicated and I don't like it.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
open relationship with someone I am currently living with

What do you do in your spare time?
draw, make music, try something new; internet, video games (less so now than as a kid)

What's your job or occupation?
I was a dog walker for about half a year, but not anymore as of a couple weeks ago. I want to try out doing commissions as a possible source of income...I often wind up doing all kinds of odd jobs.

What do you like about yourself?
I make an effort to understand people and the world. I make an effort to get good at lots of different things. I like my nose and my eye color. I actively pursue different perspectives and experiences and I want everybody to be well.

What do you dislike about yourself?
almost everything else

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
irl: "you're short" "you sound like you're 13"
online: "your stuff is pretty abstract and you're a bird"

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
pantheism kinda -- you are the universe shaping and experiencing yourself; you are your and everyone else's god. I don't know if I believe in ghosts or other spiritual ideas, I'm leaving myself open to the possibility.

Do you drink?
only with my partner or at conventions (I have an intoxication kink and I never wanna get just tipsy but I only wanna get drunk around people I trust, so that's how it works out)

Do you smoke?
I really like the concept (and practice) of e-cigs but I'll probably never own one cause I'm very afraid of getting addicted / adversely affected by nicotine. I've never taken a drag from a "real" cigarette for the same reason. I smoke hookah when it's available, holy fuck, it's so nice. there are some great hookah bars around here, but they're expensive and I'm afraid of the adverse affects.

What are your major fears?
I am terrified of the thought of biological warfare, also war in general, also natural disasters, also getting screwed over by this country and its legal system in one way or another. in addition, it's extremely difficult for me to psychologically handle people being angry at me or making me feel inferior.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to do something that I'll consistently love; something I won't find effortless, something that will be fulfilling. I'm trying to become a professional dj and hopefully that'll work out. all my other aspirations are private.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
lots o the former, 2 of the latter. ohh I got a particularly bad crush right about now though.

Who's your best buddy?
I will not pick one. I am extremely grateful for the presence of many individuals in my life.

What's your favorite dish?
I don't know. I appreciate good pizza. I like most sweet things too. I like dishes that incorporate rice...which reminds me of my love for sushi -- !

What's your favorite drink?
horchata, fresh squeezed fruit juice, tea with honey n milk

What's your favorite color?
blues, including cyan and some purpley ones like #5800FF. I also fucking love stark white and stark black especially on characters and clothing, for a long time I refused to work with colors because I was bad at them and I was perfectly content with stark black n white lmao

If you had a super power, what would it be?
I wanna say shapeshifting (into anything I want whenever I want) since that covers a bunch of other superpowers (flight, invisibility, size changing, etc) but admittedly I only realized that after I saw basically everybody answered shapeshifting for this question haha.

What's your favorite movie?
I've loved mystery men since I was a kid. it's so fuckin good on so many levels. also, I really enjoyed a scanner darkly, thank you for smoking, and the gainsbourg movie

What's your least favorite food?
chocolate, onions, tomatoes; I dunno, I find that I wind up not hating as many things as I get older

What's the last meal you want before you die?
lots of hydrocodone and promethazine and pomegranates (probably in reverse order), and enough time to enjoy all of that

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I have a folding bike, but it doesn't have any fenders, so I'm often reluctant to use it (it is almost constantly wet in chicago and I wind up a fucking mess after just one trip). fuck cars as a whole, but I appreciate their situational usefulness. I really like certain stylish cars from a purely aesthetic stantpoint (mclaren 12c can-am for example)

What is your most disliked bug?
I have a phobia of parasites and I'm wary of wasps, yellowjackets, etc. I dislike when a something surprises me by showing up on my physical self. I fucking hate mosquitoes

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
I have a lot personally, but I keep em to myself. and if this is about others', I'm not about to shit negativity about that either. I might as well mention that intentionally shitting on other people and bringing negativity into others' lives purely for the sake of making them worse bothers me haha.

What do you dislike in life?
this is a horrible question

a cisq (long personal faq thing)


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  • Link

    If that's what your eyes look like, then they're quite lovely! :D Beautiful combination of colors.

    I also admit that I'm curious how an intoxication kink works, but I get curious about, like, EVERY kink and fetish, haha.

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      thank you kindly, I have no idea what I'd actually classify them as so my state ID says "green" haha

      I'm almost certain I got my intoxication thing from naruto when I was a kid, I had a crush on rock lee and there was the drunk thing, so yknow. in addition, I perceive intoxicated expressions and aroused expressions look almost identical, especially anime and cartoon ones haha. and I love the idea of two people wanting to do something but social conventions keep them from acting on it, then they go under the influence and wind up doing something they're very glad they did. thoughts of hangovers and regretting actions are big fuckin bonerkills lmao I am definitely chiefly in this for the fantasy aspects and that goes for almost all of my attractions, kinks/fetishes, etc. also, I fucking love sexually interacting with people who are intoxicated but if they're so drunk or high that the person is unable to control their own actions or outright needs help / needs to rest then that's not sexy haha.

      I have so many dumb fetishes and they all come and go and it's frustrating as fuck lmao like I said I hate my sexuality, I have a high sex drive but my boner is usually just lukewarm or nonexistent towards everything, it's maddening

      • Link

        damn I'm sorry for my fuckin long dumb comment but I love talking about fetishes and you said you like talkin about em too, so yea !

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          Dude no worries at all! I found that absolutely fascinating. I got a lot of my kinks/fetishes from cartoons and such too. Well, I say "a lot." I really only have one BIG one, and everything else kind of orbits around it. If you're ever up for talking about this stuff feel free to PM me. XD It is a source of endless fascination for me.

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    the eye thing is called heterochromia iridum woo

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      sweet!! do you have it?

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        naw my eyes are the purest darkest brown lmao

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    "Aww dang" and all of Eddie Izzard are so good in Mystery Men. Great movie. u wu

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      YEAAAA I freaked the fuck out when I got into eddie izzard and then realized he was one of the disco boys haha. mystery men had such a huge effect on my childhood and since I grew up watching it from time to time, I'd keep finding new reasons to love it (getting more jokes, realizing who the actors are, etc). I love that everyone is playing a really exaggerated version of themselves haha, and sometimes just a literal version of themselves, like michael bay did in the movie. let's watch it sometime!!

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    the only ones of these i've read are yours and yolk's, i think. haha

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      haha I been reading erybody's cause I wind up being surprised, but also that's kinda silly for me to read all those . . . . .

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    youre gay like everyone else dont lie to yourself give in to the dick

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      I am definitely a cock connoisseur, but for weeks at a time literally nothing does anything for me and I get real frustrated

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    Your smoking tidbit is pretty much me. Also there's tons of no-nicotine oils you can use so you could definitely do that because they're tasty and the smokes really thick and fun to play with and yup.

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      oils for e-cigs* whoops.

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      I was thinkin about doing that (the non-nicotine oils) awhile back cause I fuckin love the aesthetic of smoke and the process of smoking, but you're still puttin something in your lungs that's not normally there, so I dunno haha.