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HOUSEKEEPING: Tumblr Appendix by chrisgoodwin

Okay okay, I am so sorry to keep posting this kind of backstage stuff, but I'm still finding my footing with the site swapping. This should take care of things for me in the short term. It's not great, but I'm keeping positive :3

Point: I see that I can't make use of this site for meaningful interaction at the moment.

But I do like the good features Weasyl has going for it, and I am willing to trust that it will Get Better, If Maybe Tomorrow.

Point: In the meantime, I also realize that I haven't given Tumblr a go, and so why not.

It seems like it could be a decentralized "art site" relying on exactly the kind of ease of interconnectedness that Weasyl seems to be struggling with implementing.

Of course the decentralized nature means no global policies, no nice page of thumbnails, nor other such aggregating tools that I'm aware of.. but then again, people can then do what they want(!) How novel.

I currently make use of Flickr as a site for raw storage, with little spits of fleeting social interaction here and there and that's fine for what I need it to do. Weasyl is now turning into that as well - but has the promise to Get Better. So:

  • I'll still move old stuff from FA to here (which was the natural goal of the exercise anyway).
  • I'll still upload new stuff here.
  • I won't stress about the evergrowing black pit of Weasyl notification singularity.

Functionally nothing will change in terms of what you might see from me here, but it will change what I see from YOU.

I won't even try to crack open my notifications until things Get Better. 1327 notifications in seven days means (dumb donkey doing the dumb math) almost 200 a day? And I can not keep up with that - one at a time - four clicks and three page loads at a time.

The bottom line is:

I made a tumblr because: if YOU have a tumblr, then it will be easier for me to see what YOU are doing that way, than try to keep up with what you are doing here. If that makes sense.

So, please let me know if you are using tumblr and I will happily follow along :D If you don't have one, it is certainly my loss, and I'll have to catch up with your creative timeline here at a later point, I'm sorry :C

I won't be so concerned with putting old stuff there, because of course it's not organized as a real art site, not really - plus, the organizational tools here are great!

But I will put new stuff there just so you have something to watch back for. You certainly don't need to because all that stuff will go here too.

And I'll set up some series to upload on a schedule (I LOVE THAT FEATURE).

HOUSEKEEPING: Tumblr Appendix


Journal Information



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    my tumblr is for random reblogs, personal thoughts, occasional art, or for SJ stuff, gender rambles, etc. If you follow i'd be flattered, if you don't i don't mind since it seems like you're looking mostly for art blogs!

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      As I mentioned to somebody else:

      Viewing on Weasyl is not nearly as much fun as Showing on Weasyl.

      I'm looking to see who has tumblrs so I can keep seeing new stuff - but even that is patchwork coping. Adding you right now :)

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      Also, IN MY DAY we used Livejournal for that, and had to walk uphill both ways to post XD It's fine with me, just need ease of information. I like access to ideas, so ramblings and thoughts are HOT, pictures just tend to communicate faster ;)

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        haha. Oh, Livejournal. i was never very good at it - Tumblr was such a breath of fresh air. So much less pressure to be constantly posting things - i really like just reblogging stuff that's neat and sharing it, and then occasionally sharing my own thoughts when i actually have them.

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        Ah, but did you ever use myspace or xanga? :D

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    Welp, I will follow you there then.
    My tumblr is at
    I also have an inspiration one, but it's all reblogs. Anyway it's at

    I don't think Tumblr is very good for interacting since the messaging system is deeply unreliable and it's hard to keep track of if people reply to something via reblogs, etc.
    Meh, maybe I'm just old, all these kids seem to be doing fine with it :P

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    Absolutely followed on Tumblr, but there's no need to follow me back seeing as I A) don't produce much original content (this story I'm finishing will be my first in... a decade?!) and B) probably wouldn't post it to Tumblr (since formatting a 15-page story for Tumblr is, uh, no). But I'm excited to have yet another place to follow and occasionally chat at you.

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    Following you in good old Tumblr too. Happy to hear you will post stuff here. :)
    If interested, here is my tumblr:

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    I am "thejeweledhorn" on tumblr. I post my art and occasionally do stupid reblogs.

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      The struggle is most definitely real :B

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    A queue system like Tumblr is the one "this would be so sweet to have" feature I'd love to see implemented here.

    Well, that and multi-image submissions like pixiv's manga submissions would be pretty damn boss.

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    I'm not sure if it's your cup of tea, but my Tumblr is mostly sketches and WIPs. If you do want it, I'm under . I don't reblog a whole lot of stuff. I wish Tumblr had better messaging -- at the very least, that it wouldn't delete messages people send to me once I respond to them. I got a critique once. I politely replied and thanked them for pointing out a few errors. And then it was gone. I want it back please. :(

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    I'm still prayke on tumblr! Usually post the same art on there as on here, though sometimes it varies!
    Personally, I like tumblr more than any other site, I feel like my stuff reaches a larger audience and I get to interact with people I wouldn't usually, which is nice. But then again, every site has it's pros and cons, and I feel like there's a need to "work" tumblr a lot more to keep that audience.

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    I don't use Tumblr for art because I don't like how people edit stuff and remove credit so easily, and repost things and then there's not way to take the stuff down anymore. :/ I hope they fix the issues you mentioned on Weasyl at some point!

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    Followed you! My main blog is (where I reblog lots of things I like such as inspiring art and cute animals) and my art blog is, I'd be honoured if you followed either

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    Tumblr is a good thing to have as a space to stick art that's a little less formal and professional-- I and a lot of my friends use ours as 'sketchblogs' where we can post WIPs or random doodles that might not make it into our other galleries. One of the nice things about it is the ability to have multiple blogs, so if you want to reblog lots of content, you can have one for that while still keeping one reserved solely for your own work for people who just want to keep up with YOU and not just see a bunch of random stuff that other people made. Unfortunately, it's NOT an ideal site for communication, like someone above mentioned-- the only really permanent way to have a conversation with somebody is through reblogs, which clutter up your blog a lot. Private messages, for some ridiculous reason, aren't saved if you reply to them privately. BUT when it comes to just keeping up with someone's work, Tumblr's great for that!
    My art/sketch blog is , if you're interested!

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    My main tumblr is and I cross post there from my art tumblr
    You're welcome to follow which ever one you'd like, depending if you just want to see art, or see both art and the nonsense I reblog.

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    My tumblr is and I just followed you!

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    ohh, tumblr!

    I followed you with my primary, which is... not my art blog or interesting to anyone ^_^;;

    My blogs are;
    Art Blog
    Anthro Blog

    I love the scheduled updates, but I have been forgetting to do so so I'm a bit behind!
    AND I separated my anthro from my primary because I make SO MUCH anthro art that anything else would get buried.

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    Oh man, definitely following you on tumblr, I love your stuff!
    Mine are and ; the first one is nothing but my creative stuff without reblogs and all the extra things. :)

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    I don't really have a tumblr that I consistently upload my own material to, aside from a student work page I upload things to once in a while. But I'll certainly follow yours just to keep up.

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    I don't know if you're interested but I have an art tumblr

    I don't use it for time-wastey reblog junk or anything, I just post one drawing thing every day. Some of those things are good, most of them are bad, but I sorta like that about it. It is a good way to remind myself that it's OK to have a bad day.

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    I followed you on two of my Tumblrs, but I almost never post my original content on them. They are typically for collecting things I find inspiring or interesting and sometimes for being social:

    and the catch all one:

    I find it difficult to maintain social contact on tumblr, with how much stuff flies though it so quickly. More solid, static formats like FA and Weasyl are easier for me. Any journal that I do not have time to read can sit in the inbox until I can.

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    Oh, also, I think the onslaught of submissions will ebb once folks get their stuff moved over from FA.

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    I tumble along, peaceful and calm. huskyindenial :3

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    if you're stull using it