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A lil psa by SunflowerBun

Please when referring to trans people on my page or in my space use their proper pronouns.
Do not use ANY slurs or you will be ignored.
It causes harm and makes my place unsafe for my girlfriend and other trans people.
This also goes for racial slurs.

Thank you for your time. :3

A lil psa


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    It is a bit embarassing for me, but I am not completely sure as to how adress trans people. The only "phrases" or whatever it is called I am aware of is FtM and MtF.
    I do refer to people by the gender they say they are, but it is a bit confusing at times.
    Would you mind helping me out? I do not wish to be an ignorant fool.

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      However they refer to themselves is how you should refer to them and if you're ever unsure you should ask privately and politely what their pronouns are. :3
      As an example, my girlfriend is mtf and goes by she, her, hers and is generally considered binary female.
      I hope I've helped you understand!

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        I'll use that for her then. :)

        I consider this important, so if you catch me sh*tting it up, please just let me know and I'll fix it.

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        You have.
        It would seem I did understand it before reading this. But it is good to be sure. Thank you.

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          I'm happy to hear all was understood and you're quite welcome!

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    2014 and we still have to remind people to call people what they identify as and not use gender or racial slurs =c

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      Well it's mostly the slurs I was worried about, people use them as fetish terms when referring to trans people even though it is extremely offensive to most.
      Slurs are pretty gross and I've seen the harm done by them so I'm going to set up this boundary and make it clear right away!

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        As someone who finds trans and nonbinary bodies beautiful, I second this. Trans people should be what they are, not what somebody else says they have to be.

        Also, we need less derogatory terms for those who are deliberately violating binary gender.

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    Thank you, best wifey ever. UwU

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    So what brought this on?

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      I used to get a lot of very rude comments on fa but nothing in particular really! Just boundaries that need to be made =3

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    People need to respect each others' wishes. If they want to be identified as female, make, in between genders, or without gender, that should be respected unconditionally.

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      Indeed it's true. Hopefully it'll be something that won't need to be said in the future.

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    Yeah, I don't see where it's so hard to figure it out. I have people saying things like, "Why should I say she? You have a dick." And other such nonsense quite frequently. People also keep calling me sir. :c
    Maybe one day we will no longer have to educate people on this subject.

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      Jeez. I'm sorry that's happened to you. =( That's just really disgustingly disrespectful.

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      On the Internet, people are just words on the screen. So it's easier to be cruel, it's easier to not actually care about the others' feelings. Our personal comfort with our language, essentially, trumps the feelings of the "words on the screen." It's a sad way of living, but that's what people do.

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        I wish it was limited to the internet. That happens in real life.

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        I think the fact that it is on the internet should make it easier for people to use the desired pronouns, really. They are just words on a screen; you have absolutely no part in viewing the other person's body. Who cares what pronoun you're about to write. You might as well use the one they wish you would, you know? Seems like disrespect like this would be more common irl.

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    You'd think this was a rule that didn't have to be said o_O Sorry someone led you to have to make this announcement.

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      Well, nobody really brought it on per se. I'm just putting up boundaries and making it clear that I'll have no tolerance for it!

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    agreed 100% its incredibly frustrating having to tell someone you dont like being fetishised for your gender @_@

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    it makes me so happy to see a journal like this with so many positive comments. i've been called some really disgusting things for my anatomy alone, and then have people taken aback because i correct them on it. as if it's so hard and/or physically painful to call someone by what they're comfortable with. and honestly, if people are going to be that way, it's clear their heart is nowhere near the right place.

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    (I had to add 5 asterisks to that to make it proper???)
    If this were FA, this journal would be flamed already.
    It's not that hard to just listen to someone's wish, but some people are just incapable of connecting and comprehending. They can't put two and two together and it makes me so sad.
    **knows from personal experience**

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    Thank you so much. I've been seeing a lot of slurs and ill feeling toward trans folk lately, though thankfully none of it was on Weasyl, and it really means a lot to know that you and so many other people who've comment are against that. It's just a shame that these things need to be said in this day and age.

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    I always used shemale and dickgirl D: are they offensive?

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      Um. Yeah that's incredibly offensive.

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        how so?

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          Fetish words. They basically force us into an "other" position instead of our gender. Don't use them or chances are the majority of us will not want to talk to you anymore. Full stop.

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          If a trans male identifies as a male then they're a male, not a "shemale." That term assigns pronouns to an individual who's transgender and may not identify with those pronouns. Most trans males won't like being called "she" or "her" so just keep that in mind and be respectful.

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          Maybe it helps if you think of it like this; if I was a boy, and someone called me "dick" or "manwhore" all the time, I wouldn't like it. If I was a girl and someone called me "bitch" or "slut" all the time, I wouldn't like it. These words do refer to a gender, yes, but in a crass and demeaning way, and are somewhat sexualized (how many times have you read a porn comic where someone uses bitch and slut, hm? probably more than a few). Even if you don't personally understand why 'shemale' and 'dickgirl' are offensive, if you try to understand it through this example, maybe it will help you at least empathize a bit.

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      Please do not use those as they reduce trans women to fetish terms. They are women, not objects.

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    I also want to double down that I've been impressed with the Weasyl community since moving here in regards to things like these. It's such a wild change from FA and so very refreshing.

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      I'm really surprised to see such a nice reaction here but I realize that's kind of fucked up that it's so bad that people surprise me when they're being respectful and not assholes. Either way, I agree! It is extremely refreshing. Wish I could remove the comment with the slurs though.

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      Hear hear, I feel like I can browse without practically being insulted! It's great after 8 or so years of it.

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    otl thank you for this. I have a lot of friends that say this to me every day and I never understand why it has to be reminded of people.

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    I see some people liked to be called by other pronouns they wish to associate themselves with such as;

    shi / hir / zie
    Zhe / Zher / Zhim

    Etc… Theres many more but I can't remember all the ones there are and its hard to remember those ones. They can be pretty confusing to pronounce too.

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      Yeah, that's why I said their preferred pronouns.

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        For me I can just as so associate with just about any pronoun.; he/him/his, she/her/hers, shi/hir/zie.