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The FA thing by Rez_Rex


** 22nd January 2014 **

I wanted to make a journal addressing how I am dealing with the situation on FA at present.
I refuse to pass judgement publicly on the events for the sake of my mental health.

I am not comfortable with the amount of rape-apology going around on FA. The fact that people, especially Dragoneer, are so willingly pushing aside serious accusations like it was playground banter frightens me.
I'm not going to tell anyone how to run or not run a site, but I have certain boundaries. A website, not just the staff who run it, that makes me feel uncomfortable to be around is not somewhere that I want to be. However, I won't be leaving FA just yet.
There are friends there that I would like to remain in contact with, and watchers that probably won't follow me over to Weasyl if I did leave. I've built a base for my business for a long time, and I am too cautious to be leaving on a whim.

I respect the people who have moved here, while I will also support the people who have stayed at FA.
However, I do not support the staff, and I refuse to until they prove that they can be trusted.
That is why I will be relatively more active on Weasyl from now on, building up what I have on FA until I can move away, or be shown that I can be comfortable there again.

The fact that I haven't moved completely is NOT a sign of support for FA, nor does it condone sexual assault.
I support my watchers, my friends, and the people who make my business run as it should.
They alone are the reason for me still being on FA.


P.S: I expect anyone who feels the need to look into this situation to read up on events themselves; I will not be posting any supporting links to either side. This is PURELY for my mental health. Have you the need to find out what I feel about the event, I will disclose to friends only and privately. It is not something that I will be talking about publicly or with strangers.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


The FA thing


Journal Information



  • Link

    That's probably the most reasonable thing to do. I'm not an artist myself, and I've got no reason to rely on FA when the same art is on here; whereas from an artists perspective it's important to showcase your work as many people as possible. Personally I've said so-long and thanks for all the fish to FA, but I've tried to follow all the artists I used to follow on FurAffinity on Weasyl instead. I can't support FA, nearly everything about it is just bad.

    • Link

      Yeah, I know that feeling. There's a lot of people who think that if you don't leave FA you're condoning what's come out, but that is not the case.
      I'll support the people who have left and those who haven't.
      I won't support FA until they can prove that I can trust them. I have never paid them for anything, and I don't plan to in the future. As soon as I can, I'll be leaving there. Not just for the lack of trust, but for the severe clunkiness and unreliability of the actual site as well.

  • Link

    the mental health thing is probably why i've voted to crawl away from FA for a while T-T i have to distance myself from the headache that is the community there right now.
    Regardless, i totally get the commission thing 8'D i am in the same boat. My rep is there and that's where i get all my commissioners atm.
    SO just know i support you<3

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      Yeah, it's why I'll be a lot more active on here in the future, but I'll be keeping ties there until I can safely leave with support.
      And thank you, it means a lot! C: <3

      • Link

        haha, i am in the same boat.
        need to stay for the support financially, but will be slowly moving my arse over here.

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          Yep, sounds like a plan. C: