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My thoughts on the FA circus by Marsonaut

Actions have consequences. Consequences have actions.

Self evident (i.e. DUH) as those statements are, sometimes we forget, sometimes /subtly/ forget these sorts of no-brainers.

That said, I can say with a high degree of confidence that the drama on FA has largely focused on the wrong issues. Everyone has been talking about whole rape accusation debacle, but hardly a word has been said of the fact that FA has had at least one documented (I say documented only because it was reported by an artist I've been watching for years and know her not be a liar) of image theft by members of staff under the guise of a banner contest ( ). Additionally, there is the gross fact that sites head honcho has taken in an admitted zoophile. Like King Robert from A Song of Ice and Fire, the Neer has long ago learned to "close his eyes to anything he did not wish to see."

And THAT is putting it in the most positive light possible. Wan is, by just about every analysis, a jerk, but I don't think a bona fide case of rape occurred... based from what I've read. According to several forums I've looked at... well... it seems that there was a lot of sleeping around going on with several "elite" (humor me, thats what I call em) artists, Wan included, but also apparently including several others who's names we all know. Oh boy ain't this the sort of thing a lot of furry art sort of illustrates? Why am I not surprised that, in the toxic paranoid culture of today, that this sort of situation developed? Now past that, there is the basic problem which is that no police report was filed, and quite frankly, the explanations for a lack of such a report are quite maddening... since they often involve arguments which go the way of "well most rapes aren't reported..." OH GEE SO LETS LET THE BASTARD GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE OF STATISTICS I READ. It makes me angry to read such incredibly counterproductive, and useless arguments, which are unwittingly providing support for criminal behavior (aren't we cynical/distrustful enough of police already?). Reporting a crime is scary, but its the only way to stop the perpetrator from doing it again!

Incidently, I'm not leaving the guy off the hook at all... I merely said that I don't think this was a bona fide case of rape... with the information I've seen so far! It most certainly is possible, and judging by the accused's behavior, I wouldn't be surprised, frankly. I'm not being paid to be a PI and I've wasted enough of my life trying to understand this mess. And with THAT being said, I think that Dragoneer can charitably be described as exercising awful judgement in bringing Wan onto his staff, to say nothing of the goddamn admitted zoophile! I haven't even brought up the long trail of reported site update promises and mismanagement. I'm more concerned with the fact that I actually prefer FA's current UI, and I'm very nervous when website coders get their peckers up and start dumping reams of bloatware and atrocious code that is designed to look pretty and stoke their egos. You know, like that mess known as Deviantart, and sorry to say, but Weasyl is a few steps away from DA on that spectrum of obnoxiousness. Its ironic to think, but FA's dysfunction has in a way, kept it in its current, simple, minimalistic state, and in the case of the sites design, I think that's alright. The issues of site security and mismanagement/shady behavior though, are things that we all ought to be concerned with.... but from what I've seen, I can sort of live with it.

So long as they do their games wayyy over there points at horizon.

My thoughts on the FA circus


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  • Link

    agreed fa has its own…. unique… aesthetic , though I'dhardly give it a passing grade on functionality

    • Link

      I find its UI to be simple and down to earth. If you're referring to its servers having the processing power of a standard kitchen toaster oven, I can agree.

  • Link

    Neers behaviour reminds me of Sergeant Schultz from the TV show Hogan’s Heroes.

    I don´t see anything, I don´t hear anything, I don´t know anything.
    I have no personal problems with him. FA is no democracy, but the way he runs the show during the last couple of years is getting lower and lower with every year passing,

    • Link

      He even has a.... passing resemblance to Schultz lol. Least Schultz is far more lovable XD
      And on that note... countdown to my account there being banned...

      • Link

        Well, with that behaviour he is basically setting an countdown to FAs death.