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Oh blessed day. by Gerrark

I am so glad they're aware of this, working to fix it, and realize how bad the square thumbnails are. Thank you so much.

Oh blessed day.


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  • Link

    Oh thank god, I was thinking of making a post about it on the forums.
    Hurray for developers that give a damn!

  • Link

    Yeah! I stopped complaining once I saw that thread, it covers all my main problems!

    • Link

      Same. And here I was about to make a big forum post about all my ill wills as well. Glad other people are on top of things.

      • Link

        except for the featured submission folder thing hich STILL DOESNT WORK...

        • Link

          Haha, and JUST as I make this comment I go to my page and it's working now :B

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          Ha, it also started working for me yesterday just as I was wondering why it wasn't.

          • Link

            maybe they just turned it on or something?

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              I guess the flood of users from FA lit a fire under the admins' asses to get stuff working? :P

              • Link

                bahha, without a doubt!

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    I'm not trying to say one is better than the other but Furaffinity would never, ever have fixed something like this.

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    It's refreshing to see how the staff are openly taking critique for the website and making an actual effort to change what they can to better suit the user experience.

    • Link

      I know, it's downright encouraging!

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    Not only is this place already an improvement over FA, the people in charge are doing what they can to make it even better.

  • Link

    Does this mean we can upload PNG headshots of ourselves that just seem to float into space with this speech bubble attached? THAT WOULD BE COOL! I only found this out yesterday after downloading someone's avatar to my desktop and laughed as it looked like a Startup Icon. heheh, like their avatar was a video game or something.