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Hey, look who's open for commissions by LudoCrow

marchen is, and with way more than fair price.

You might want to get a little something from her, and maybe drop her a tip too ;)
And even if it's the kind of stuff I can't do every day or weeks, I know I will today :)
Seriously, she's got awesome work so give her at least a look!

Edit: You folks who're transformation fans might also wish to give Mikakitty a look.
She's a nursing student and would probably need the art commissions to help pay for her school.

Hey, look who's open for commissions


Journal Information



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    aw man that's really sweet, thank you.

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      That's nothing, just trying to do my best to help others drum up some business here since everybody's basically starting out :)

      One of the most important things a friend once thought me is to no see other artists as rival and competitors. So giving each others a shout-out once in a while really doesn't hurt :)
      At the end of the day, a lot of the stuff that helped me with my own art came from interacting with other artists so I try to do my best to be of help to others whenever I can ^^

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        That's a good policy, at least when you're somewhat established in your trade. Personally, for my first two years of guitar work more or less, I had to put on blinders from others' music so I could just focus on my own without getting discouraged, so they were like rivals. It worked wonders for me, though, and now I find myself in the position of trying to bring musicians together on Weasyl and actively listen/promote to their works, too. But you need confidence in yourself to want to put yourself out there for others, which is what you need to follow such methods. ^_^ It's really nice to see a desire for community here, instead of just a race for popularity. I hope Weasyl always stays like this.

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        That's fantastic and I couldn't agree more :]

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    Awww, thanks so much for the shout out! I'm gonna try to be posting more information on my gallery soon. And more art. It's just not going to be a primary. : )

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      That's perfectly fine. Btw a short and useful tidbits about journals. When you're browsing art on the website, there's actually a completely separate category for new journals. So whenever you post a new journal, it's not just your own watchers you get to see your journals but potentially completely new users who might thus be able to find you through these and not just your art.

      In a way, it's the different about seeing what pretty images an artist can draw.... and what they actually have to say. I personally find it very nice for social interaction on this site as I've discovered most of the new artists I watch here this way :)

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        So, your point is......... make all your journal posts extra sexy to get more views. lol