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A bad habit of mine is that whenever I join a new website I think "This time, it'll be different. This time I'm going to reply to all my comments. And talk to people. And leave oodles of comments everywhere! YEAH, THIS WILL BE AWESOME, THE START OF A NEW INTERNET-ME."

And then it hits me that I lack the wit, eloquence and social skills necessary to do those things. So I put them off, and then my inbox gets clogged, and I end up nuking everything in the end anyway.

WELP. Sorry about that, folks.

But seriously, I am trying to interact more, because I know that'll help Weasyl get off the ground. I think a lot of start-up art sites end up going under because people just keep the socializing to their default platform of choice. It's just more difficult than it should be because I'm shy (online, anyway, In person I'm more outgoing), and my mind likes to draw a complete blank when I go to type a comment. Because it's a jerk.

BUT TO MAKE THIS JOURNAL LESS POINTLESS MOANING, tell me your plans for Halloween! I spent all yesterday decorating for a party I'm gonna have on the 27th. I'm... so giddy. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, but the last few years I've lacked the initiative to celebrate it properly. Thanks to the generosity of a friend, I think I have enough string lights to sap all the power from this neighbourhood if all turned on at once.

But uh, now to... continue with uploading my back catalogue here, I guess?



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    I have always failed pretty hard at interacting, I just gave up and only badger myself to answer questions.

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      That's basically me and DeviantART. Although considering the age group of the userbase, it's partially for my own sanity. I honestly love DA, but there's only so much "CAN U DESING MI CHARRIE?" I can take before bursting into flames.

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    I always make chocolate cupcakes with bat sprinkles for Halloween. I usually do orange icing, but this year, I tried purple, and they looked (and tasted) really great! Beyond that, I'm not sure I'm going to have time to put a whole costume together, but I'll definitely do something for when I'm giving out candy. I'd love to do a Halloween party some year myself. What kind of decorations did you put up?

    I have that same problem, too, with not always replying to people. It's hard to know what to say at times.

    • Link

      Halloween baking is the best kind of baking! And omg, purple frosting is so, so pretty. Something about it is extra appetising to me.

      Last year I made an absolutely beautiful bundt cake by layering orange, purple, and black batter It would have possibly been the best cake ever except, being the GENIUS I am, I forgot to grease the pan. It ended up as a mountain of crumbled cake on top of a cutting board that I just kind of picked at while wondering WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN, lmao.

      We put up a metric ton of lights, skulls, spiders, cobwebs, window stickers, and these adorable little lanterns that have monster faces on them. Oh, and window sticks, because I am obsessed with them.

      • Link

        Aww, that sounds like it would have been a really cool cake! You should take a shot at it again sometime if you feel like it. Hell, I want to do that now, or striped cupcakes. Anything with colored battered is incredibly fun.

        Any holiday that offers an excuse to put up lights and fake fuzzy spiders is one that needs to happen more often.

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          If I find the recipe for it, I'll link it to you, because it was undoubtedly one of the coolest Halloween treats I have ever seen, and it's easy. I might give it another go this year, but I'm thinking I might opt for baked apples instead.

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    I'm dressing up as Barney from Half-Life and giving out candy!

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      AWESOME. I love handing out candy, but I always seem to be located in neighbourhood where there's no children.

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    Whaaaagh, I WISH I had plans. I know I'm doing something???? with my boyfriend and Gene but we have no idea what yet. We didn't even get Halloween last year because the entire area was hit with such an extreme snowstorm that the holiday was LITERALLY CANCELED. worst worst worst

    • Link

      Hey, if you don't have concrete plans you can't go wrong with munching on candy and watching bad horror movies together, right?

      AND THAT IS THE SADDEST THING EVER. It should not be allowed to snow on Halloween. Ever. EVER.

      But seriously, the worst holiday to miss is Halloween. Once, as a kid, I had the flu and it was the most disheartening thing to hear trick-or-treaters at the door while leaning over a bucket and knowing I couldn't be out doing it, too.

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  • Link

    :D Halloween is my mother's birthday. No idea what we're gonna do yet, but I hope we can at least go out to eat somewhere kinda nice.

    I'll probably be drained financially and tired from Furfright, though, since it's next week. XD

    • Link

      WHOA. That's really cool. I always wanted to be born on Halloween, it would solve my problem of never knowing what to do for my birthday.

      Ooh, have fun at Furfright! I've always wanted to go, but it usually cuts a bit too close for Halloween to be a financially viable venture. Then again, it's hard to get more Halloween-y than a trove of people dressed in animal costumes.

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    im probably going to have a party not sure if itll be on halloween or not

    but were going to decorate the house and itll be a costume party would be cool to make our garage into a haunted house for people to chill at and drink too

    • Link

      Garage haunted-house sounds AMAZING. I say go for it, that would be a ton of fun to chill in. Especially if black lights are involved. :D

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        i gotta get some black lights for my room anyways so hell yeah ill try n get some n get the decorations bunch of high/drunk/crossfaded people in a garage haunted house how perfect

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    Jesus christ I wish I could be at that party it sounds AMAZING!! I'm just picturing an apartment with all blacklights and fake webs and spiders and omg. Auaghegeo weo it sounds really cool! And I'll keep that in mind about the online thing, I think everyone gets like that in some scale so don't stress too much over it, ;P

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      I WOULD TOTALLY INVITE YOU if it weren't for that whole living across the country thing. Or so I'm assuming, I actually haven't the slightest idea where you live, I just know all the cool people seem to either live here or on the East coast.

      And yeah, it kind of defeats the purpose if it's stressing me out. I just wish I knew whatever secret people had for keeping up with this kind of thing easily, hahaha.

      • Link

        Haha I'm in Chicago, dude! So not /quite/ across the country. Just halfway there :P And damn isn't that true? East coast, and West coast seem like the places to be when it comes to cool peepz.

        Well not everything is for everyone, I mean I'm pretty good at responding to internet stuff but terrible when it comes to texts for some reason lol. There's probably an area you shine in that others might not! And either way just do what you do. It's all good haha.

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    I'll be doing what I do every other day of the year, nothing XD

    Narh, I come from a country that doesn't celebrate Halloween (even though the stores are doing their best to push it on to us... Nothing like a new holyday to milk money from.)

    And about socialising online.. It's effing hard :C

    I made my big "I HAVE TO BE SUPER SOCIAL AND STUFF!!!" outbreak on Nabyn.. I'm still not good at it, but I've defiantly become better.

    It's as with everything else, practice, practice, practice D:

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      I will shamefully admit I can get really swept up in the consumerism for Halloween and Christmas. Thankfully my friend donated most the decorations, but if I don't watch it I end up spending wayyyy to much on decor. My only defense is that bright shiny cheesy things make insanely happy.

      It seems to come easy to some people, but I'm with you on that. But haha, maybe it'll become habit if I keep at it.

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    On the 26th, me and a friend are managing an HvZ event at a local park, so hopefully that'll be a success :3

    Other than that, hopefully gonna have Halloween off and hng out with friends, dress up, give out candy to kids and try to scare em a bit. The costume I wore last year could easily fool people into thinking i was a prop, and it was great spooking kids and adults alike x3

    • Link

      Ooh, HvZ seems really fun! I wish some place 'round here did it on a big scale. I'd go in a heartbeat.

      OH MAN, people who dressed up and pretend to be props STILL get me to this day, haha. Surefire way to spook a Squeedge. What's your costume?

  • Link

    I wanted to get this cute black and oragne bat kigurumi for halloween and go out for a little bit but MEDICAL FINANCES BEING A MESS and whatever I don't think I'll be able to order it in time, if even before the year's over at this rate ;~;

    but otherwise my mom is usually the master of the decorating, I'm kind of inept at it so why not... but given we live in an apartment the inside is more decorated than the outside! haha. but we're making cupcakes and mom got all sorts of cute sprinkles and things for em. (even some really adorable cupcake cups)

    I remember one year my mom got a big tub of orange frosting, and she only used like 1/10th of it and gave the rest to me... needless to say that was the worst november ever.

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      WAUGH I looked up the kigu you mentioned and am positively MELTING. Gosh, if I had known about that sooner... ;w; Or the rhino 'cause THERE'S A RHINO AAAAAA. I think I'mma just settle with my tried-and-true Godzilla kigu, but I would like to own more. They are so much fun. Hopefully next year you can get it!

      Those cupcakes are gon' be magical. MAGICAL.

      And OH GOD THAT SOUNDS AWFUL. The bane of my existance health is Halloween leftovers. I'm going to make sure people take leftover sweets home, because yeah candy corn is one of those things I will eat until I am positively ill.

  • Link

    Oh goodness, samesamesame. I want to reply to everyone, and I want each comment to be a golden nugget of social interaction. Sadly, it just isn't to be. It feels like part of the problem is, sometimes people just don't give me much to work with! Haha, and I feel bad just leaving a two-word comment and an emoticon. I also really want Weasyl to go places, so I've actually upped the amount I comment. I still have the problem of the hit-and-run faving though.

    Uh, as for Halloween? Me and my friend were supposed to make a 2-person costume but I don't think that's gonna happen. We'll probably just get a bag of candy and watch spooky movies all night, which is really just as good. <3 I'm not really one for partying.

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      I am the worst hit-and-run fav'er. Worst thing is, I usually think to myself what could be a really nice comment, but I just say it in my head instead of y'know, USING MY FINGER WORDS.

      Hey, can't go wrong with candy and spooky movies. Gotta any favorites you plan on watching?

      I like partying, but then again my parties consist of a big gaggle of nerds watching movies and making snide commentary. Nothing too wild, ahaha.

      • Link

        Whoa sorry I took so long to reply, I was exhausted yesterday. @_@

        As for spooky favorites, I have a TON of movies I've been meaning to rewatch with my friend! No doubt we're going to be watching John Carpenter's The Thing, probably Children of the Corn (its so doofy, I love it), maybe the original Night of the Living Dead and Shaun of the Dead... we're trying to catch Scary Godmother on CN too, I don't even care if it's for really little kids I think it's precious.

        And yeah yeah! Haha, I love snarking on movies too! Just recently I saw this Troma film with my buddies called Poultrygeist, it's so fucking foul LOL.

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    It happens. My FA and Twitter are both equally abused by lack of attention, and my Weasyl is also victimized to it as well. Part of my problem is that I am not an artist and displaying programs that fuel Second Life avatars doesn't exactly work as simply taking a snapshot since displaying code isn't a wise idea. I'm mostly waiting on invites so I can send them to friends I know will heavily get Weasyl's gears turning far more than by my own performance.

    That aside, I am hoping to spend Halloween with some kind of comfort, but that will be difficult with college in the way.

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      I can't wait until invites open up, then I think this place is gonna be boomin'.

      Ahh, yeah. I have class ON Halloween, like most, but I'm going to make the most of it by going in costume. I am a good college student. If my professor complains, I'll just give him some candy. Yes.

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    I'm so excited for halloween you have no idea. I'm used to having holiday decorations around the house but we haven't been able to afford that so I will suck up all the good vibes once I come to visit weeee

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      IT'S GONNA BE REAL FUN. Good vibes all around~

      And I'm pretty sure we have enough decorations to make up for ten Halloweens and then some, lmao.

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    Hnng, I've never had the opportunity to do something exciting on halloween before :c

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      Hey, maybe this year could be different? Even if no one's available to hang or whatever, there's lots of fun stuff you can do on your own!

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        Hm, I may consider having a party online if anyone's around in the same situation as I am. Other than that being trapped in the house on a day like halloween is pretty depressing, I've never managed to get my parents to take me out or drop me off anywhere because they've never cared about halloween and probably never will. There were one or two occasions while I was a kid they'd let me go out trick or treating but I'm too old for that now. Hopefully in the future i'll be able to get out more, meet some nice friends of my kind and actually do stuff on halloween, I've always put my hopes up towards that.

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        I always enjoyed trick or treating as a kid and would probably still enjoy it today, too bad this house is in the middle of nowhere, I enjoyed having people knocking at the door before we moved house

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    Eurgh, I feel ya! I might have tons in common with somebody but I just don't know how to GET there. How do I speak??

    I was thinking about going as Rick from splatterhouse for halloween!

    • Link

      Yeah, same. And then I get to talk to them and I feel like I need something INTERESTING to say, and jadkjfsf INTERNET SOCIAL ANXIETY.

      OMG, do it, do it! Bonus points if you construct like, a leech monster out of paper-mache or something.

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        ooh, yeah! I could maybe make it go around my arm so that it looked like it was biting me or something maybe

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    Haha, that's crazy because I'm having a party on the 27th as well. I have a little more decorating to do, but today I finished the bulk of it. What are you dressing up as? :D