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For those wanting to know more about the FA fiasco... by Swandog

Between 2010 (rape incident, and poor choice of admin), last year (stalking incident), and now (again, poor choice of admin), basically, nothing has changed over in FA. The top staff is still victim-blaming/shaming, while backing up the pervs and victimizers (even making admins of them), laughing off any negative reaction to this in the furry community as "mere drama to be ignored", while simultaneously making desperate, fumbling efforts to sweep everything under the rug, deleting any comments they disagree with (along with those linking to any info/evidence), and banning many who dare to voice criticism about the way things are being handled. I would post all this to FA, but it would probably just get deleted (I've already had comments deleted in which I simply tried to link to this stuff, and didn't even say anything else).

Simply put, they DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW, and they don't care what you think, nor do they want to allow you to SAY what you read and learn, and speak out! :) And even if you don't believe any of what you read to be true, it's still worthwhile to read before making your decision to stay on FA or leave. I want to listen with an open mind to every side of the story, but the more I read of comments and activity from the staff's side, the more I see how they are trying to silence everyone, and the more evidence I see of their past history, the more I see FA digging its own grave. Also, I happen to be very close friends to the girl who was stalked last year, so I KNOW she was telling the truth about what happened and how badly her situation was handled (she was laughed off and dismissed, her trouble ticket ignored, her journal deleted, etc.) by the FA staff.

(And please note: not ALL the admins are like this! Several of them, like Fox Amoore, are great people, and good friends of mine, and really wanted to try to help. This post is NOT about them. If FA were run by them, none of this would even be an issue!) (this was regarding the exodus of last year, but the premise is the same) (ditto) (ditto--again, nothing has changed) (now, regarding the recent exodus, this is what happens when you make a journal trying to link to off-site info, if the entire journal doesn't just get deleted outright) (a great post; several of these links were from there) (ditto) (ditto) (DITTO) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (more evidence of admin scumbaggery) (ditto--again, all of this is nothing new) (ditto--previous poor admin choices--NSFW) (a summary of things) (screenshot evidence), (more screenshot evidence) (lots more screenshot evidence) (summary of the original rape incident--trigger warning) (ditto--screenshotted notes) (Zaush has a long history of this kind of behavior, as stated by a former friend of his, who wasn't surprised at all) (you'll probably find lots more here, but I haven't begun to dig through it all)

If anyone else has more good links to add, leave them in a comment!

P.S. Some great journals on how to move over:


For those wanting to know more about the FA fiasco...


Journal Information



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    Thank you for compiling all of those links!

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    Its just a shame to see people laugh about this even some people i watched its really messed with my mind. I too was raped and did not say anything for almost a year then i got the courage to tell someone i thought was my best friend turn around and told everyone i was a whore and i was lying for attention so i never went to the police. Its awful and i feel sorry for the victim.

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      nods and hugs :( I'm so deeply sorry to hear that. ;_; I don't understand how people can be so cruel and heartless...but several of the journals I was reading were utterly vile, absolutely sickening in the hatred and malice they were spewing at both the victims and those who stand in support of them (all those who chose to leave), cursing, mocking and bullying them. So as much as I don't understand that attitude, I also am not at all surprised by it. :( It just took something THIS major to bring people out of the closet and reveal their true colors (and I had to unwatch several people in disgust). As Thaily and Jive said (journals linked above), most rape victims never do report it, because so many times, THIS is the exact kind of treatment/reaction they get in return. :(

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        Thank you and yes its things like this that truly bring the worst out of people even ones i looked up to or thought were nice.

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    It's disgusting. I didn't even know most of the previous incidents and if I had I would have left long ago. I don't want to be associated with such filth in any way, it makes the community just look even worse.

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      nods :( And now I hear they are attacking and mocking trans people as well (see in the comments): :(

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        Wait are MODS attacking trans*people or just idiots in general? Not that it makes a difference in my opinion, I just didn't think a staff member would be as dumb as to leave a comment dissing trans*folk. But seriously, I have this deep-seated fear that FA will die instead of blossoming into a cesspit for the people us sane furries are sick of dealing with, and they follow here eventually x-x

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          Clarification/update on that: I heard after I posted that comment that it was the mod(s) at Inkbunny, not at FA? (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong there.) So my misunderstanding on that. It gets hard to keep all this mess straight! :P

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            Yeah, it was inkbunny mentioned - anyway, glad to be left away from BOTH sites. IB creeps me right out.

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    That's a very informative journal. Unfortunately I just made my FA account right before the drama started, and since then all my dashboards are full with the current rape story. Whatever the staff do, it's just fishy, people don't start such a huge fight without a good reason. But I couldn't say I'm surprised, I experienced this kind of behaving IRL a lot of times, when people just say "it's not a big deal, it's safe, not serious, don't be so overly sensitive" etc. in actual sexual harassment, and when they can stop it they just turn away. And then the rapist/stalker says oh it was harassment but it wasn't . Why would it be different on the internet where you actually don't have to face with any real consequences, behind your screen you just pretty much say whatever you want.
    This is a pretty ugly pattern in attitudes, people learn in families with ugly patterns and then some of them use it to manipulate others, and the rest just gets along because they are programmed that way.
    I wonder though why this zaush is such a special programmer, as a former software engineer I would say whoever designs that site doesn't really have any idea about the whole thing. It's a pretty bad joke.

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      Yeah...whether or not the rape story is true, this whole thing is just extremely fishy and very badly handled, just as it was the previous time, with the stalker. (And the girl who was stalked was a very close friend of mine, and I KNOW she was telling the truth and was genuinely afraid, and the admins ignored her trouble ticket begging for help, deleted her journal, and basically laughed in her face...UNTIL Qarrezel made her post, and everything blew up, and tons of folks left. THAT'S when they finally decided to take it seriously, but by then it was "too little, too late". They've been doing the exact same thing again now, just laughing it all off, until a ton of people got fed up and decided to leave for good, and only then, they desperately tried to backtrack and cover their butts with lame excuses, fake apologies, and loads of victim blaming/shaming. But I don't think it will save them, this time...people are really liking Weasyl (as it's SO much better coded, better run, and better maintained than FA; case-in-point: ), so I think these folks will probably make it their main gallery in time...well, I can hope, anyway! :) Also, I just added a good new journal I found:

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        uh that is extremely childish.. what kind of admin deletes posts and journals.... it's like oh you have the freedom of speech, your own gallery and your own space, but not here, I take it back whenever I want. Considering that these galleries mean income for lot of artists, it pretty much sounds like controlling people's life with interfering their business, rewriting history, and just turn the outcome however they want, at this point you can say it goes against basic human rights.

        I prefer full control over my own art, so I'm probably gonna delete my FA account, that some extra commissions from creepers aren't worth it :/
        Weasyl seems pretty nice so far, even the quality of the artworks is a lot better