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Legend of Zelda OC Questions by SkylesTheOtter

  1. When did you get into LoZ?

    When I was 4. xD

  2. What made you decide to make a LoZ OC?

    Umm..Basically, because I felt like it xD

  3. Is your LoZ OC a Fursona or no?


  1. What clan is he/she in?


  2. How long have you had this OC?

    Ummm. Ever since my birthday last year xD

  3. Are you Dark or no?

Dark as in like Dark Link?

Nah. o3o (I do like Dark Link though)

  1. do you have more than 1 LoZ OC?

I do. owo His name is Midori, and he's also going to be used in my manga~.

  1. Do you have a backstory for your OC(s)?

Nope. xD I'm fucking terrible at writing. lol

  1. How old is your OC(s).

18 and Midori's 26. o3o

  1. How many LoZ games have you played?

    Almost all of them. owo; Except, Link between Worlds, Spirit Tracks, and Oracle of Seasons/Age

  2. Are you happy with your OC(s)?
    Definitely~. ^w^ I may change my otter from time to time but it's minor changes.

  3. What world/age are your OC(s) set in?

Umm...Ocarina of Time? xwx

  1. Zora, Goron, Hylian or Human?

    Zora and Hylian. x3

  2. Is your OC(s) Chaotic Good/Evil/Neutral, Good or Neutral?

Both are Chaotic Good I guess. xD

  1. What outfits do he/she/they wear?

    Ummmmm...My otter wears an outfit similar to Sheik's outfit and Midori wears a kind of Martial Artist outfit.

Legend of Zelda OC Questions


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