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Friend Rquests - oopsy... by ToeClaws

Looks like I have to take back my usual neutral stance of not doing friend requests on sites like this that support them. A very awesome artist pointed out that on this site, some art and other submissions can be restricted to "friends" only as a means of ensuring more personal works are seen only by the people that artist considers more trusted eyes. Likewise, the messaging system can also be restricted in this way.

My stance of not accepting these requests goes back years to many social sites and forums in that I prefer to be neutral, and not favour one person over another or define who is or isn't a friend. I don't like creating any sort of bias, so it was something I always did to be respectful to everyone.

Given Weasyl's more sophisticated use of this feature, I'm going to start accepting friend requests out of respect of those that trust me to be such to them and see potentially locked down things. So I ask, when it comes to sending me a request, that you be someone I at least know, otherwise don't be surprised if I choose not to accept it. Nothing personal at all - just prefer to know the people that will be on that list.

Friend Rquests - oopsy...


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  • Link

    I tend to be the same way myself. I'll happily watch/follow artists to be sure I'm updated on their work, but 'friend' status is something I don't like to mess with too much if it isn't somebody I -actually- know incredibly well or something. It otherwise feels a bit volatile to me. Hadn't realised Weasyl had features that played into it that way though! So I may reconsider.

    • Link

      Yeah, bit of a catch 22. I hope I don't hurt any feelings as that's never my intent. It's too bad they don't just have a permissions system that allows you to assign users of your choosing to a piece. ponders Though I guess that would get a bit teadious after a while. Oh well - ultimately, it's a first world problem... so not really a problem. chuckles

      • Link

        Hehe, yeah. Every website/community has its own system, and they all take a bit of getting used to and figuring out. My hope is generally that most of us can be mature enough to understand what's what and not read deep friendshippy meaning into how other people use a site!

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    I prefer to watch normally, accepting whatever the artist chooses to put before me for my perusal. I don't try to put pressure on artists or ask too much of them, though occasionally an artist has had the ego to think that a simple critique of a portion of a picture was a condemnation of them as a person. Ah, well. I cannot accept responsibility for fragile self images.

    I will remain a humble watcher for now. Perhaps, as we chat, I might consider imposing my friendship upon you. We shall have to see.

    • Link

      Imposing eh? chuckles You make it sound tedious! Well, in the case of the some of the stuff I've seen, it's not criticism that bothers the poster, but inappropriate comments for a pic meant to be very sweet and/or personal. In that respect, I could see the merit in how the "friend" thing can be used here. For the most part though, I intend to just continue on same as you - watch/follow and leave it mostly at that apart from folks who want to use Friend thing for special viewing. :)

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        I try not to comment more often than I do. I'll not try to pretend my comments don't occasionally verge on the insensitive. I speak plainly, most of the time, and I don't sugar coat my thoughts with false platitudes. That is why I say that I don't wish to burden with my friendship. Being my friend is not always a joy, but you will always know exactly how I feel. Still, I'm not the horrible misanthrope many would make me out to be. Ok, not all the time. And I am fun. When I'm not sick. Which I am now, so I'm not feeling so fun. Yeah, I should just let it go. I'm rambling, I think.

        • Link

          Nah, not rambling. Any true friend will be one who tells the truth, good or bad. Sugar-coating things only leads to people getting hurt eventually, so I think that's a very good and realistic approach to friendship. ^_^

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    As soon as I saw the title I was reminded of when I gave you a friend request...after just commenting on the journal where you say you don't use the friend request system. Good times, good times. :P

    • Link

      Oi, I know... sorry about that. I had no idea it was actually utilized in viewing messages, content and stuff here - thought it was just a sorta counter thing like other sites. :/

      • Link

        S'okay. To be fair, I didn't know myself (I'm still new to this site) until I saw this journal.

        • Link

          Yeah, most sites have it as a feature, but don't do anything with it. It's another of the many ways this site seems to be more innovative than some other galleries. I'd never have known either until it was pointed out to me.