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Update Re: Ref Sheet Commissions and Skype by Draekos

I know I'm generally not too serious when I'm making journals, but I feel like I need to be with this one. Sorry in advance for that.

First of all, I will not be taking ref sheet commissions for the foreseeable future. To put it bluntly, they're just not very fun to do. I'll probably re-open for them some time in the future, but not soon. To those of you on my list to get ref sheets, I'll still be doing yours. Agreements were made after all.

As for Skype (and by some extent, steam).

Yes, I leave them running while I stream, I leave them unmuted too because the icons are on the far side of my other monitor and not even in peripheral view. I'm by far not the only artist who does it.

I've also made a new skype account for talking to commissioners and such. I'm a bit tired of how bloated my current skype list is with people I don't even know. So yeah, new second account for everyone who's not people I explicitly know well.

It might just be my lack of holiday cheer, but I've had a very low patience for annoyances lately. Hopefully both of these measures should help that.

Update Re: Ref Sheet Commissions and Skype


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