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FA Sorta back? by Cassiel

But if the cross post thing works, I'm gonna keep using this site too. Like I said before I don't think this was true exodus. It was however, a large amount of the community realizing having a recognizable account off site has it's benefits.

Less righteous "I'M LEAVING FOR GOOD!" and more realizing "HEY you know what? Having a decent fall back for stuff is kinda cool."

Optimistically FA might realize it needs to step up it's A-game. It's that or FA is doomed to something that on the internet is worse then nerd rage; irrelevancy.

FA Sorta back?


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  • Link

    I dunno if FA is really interested in "competing" with anyone, despite the fact that they're selling adspace. It really is just a shambles of Alkora's old code guarded by Yak the savage junkyard dog, and as for any improvements, I doubt Ferrox is, or ever was, a thing.

    • Link

      That'll probably be the calalyst of the slow descent. Constant outages and complacency. I like to think people will only take so much before looking elsewhere.

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        But I mean who knows, I've been wrong before, I'll be wrong in the future. I wouldn't mind eating my words on this one.

        • Link

          I would at least like FA to try and be less shitty. Less changes no one asked or crap like noticiations and submissions sent in batches and 60 second upload cooldowns.

  • Link

    Yeah, Ferrox is pretty much vaporware. So many teasers of improvements in FA, and I've only seen a (relatively subtle) change of interfaces all of once. FA's not going anywhere anytime soon.